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词汇 声明
例句 There was a lot of hullabaloo over his controversial statements.他那有争议的声明引起极大骚乱。The statement signals an intensification of the bloody feud between opposing guerrilla factions.这一声明表明敌对的游击队派系之间的血腥仇杀将会加剧。The announcement was met with hoots of derision/scorn.这个声明遭到了嘲笑/鄙视。Mr Blair said he had been encouraged by recent Irish statements about the issue.布莱尔先生说最近爱尔兰有关这一问题的声明使他看到了希望。He clouds the issues with emotive claims about legitimate businesses.他关于合法经营的情绪化声明使问题变得不明朗。Such statements give rise to the false belief that we are all under constant threat from terrorism.这种声明会让人错误地以为我们一直在遭受恐怖主义的威胁。He denied the announcement was clumsy and insensitive.他否认声明不得体、不近人情。He discovered that this statement was wrong.他发现这个声明是错误的。He issued a statement to the effect that he would resign.他发表了一项声明,大意是他将辞职。Richard's statement was disgracefully obscure.理查德的声明含糊不清,真丢脸。The president's press corps issued this statement today.总统的记者团今天发表了这份声明The government has been criticized for its warlike attitude/statements.政府因其挑衅的态度/声明遭到了批评。The declaration was null and void as it was proclaimed in completely illegal circumstances.声明无效,因为它是在完全非法的情况下宣布的。Some delegates believe the final declaration is likely to be too timorous.一些代表认为最后的声明可能不够强硬。He argued that Labour should counter this propaganda with a series of press statements.他主张工党应在报刊上发表一系列声明来反击这种宣传。The statement is highly confusing.这个声明非常令人困惑。The statement added that although there were a number of differing views, these would be discussed by both sides.这项声明还称,虽然双方观点存在若干分歧,但将就这些分歧展开讨论。Later on in the article he repeats this statement.他在文章的后面部分重复了这一声明They are appalled at these statements.他们对这些声明感到惊诧。The claims he has made are nothing but a pack of lies.他所做的声明只不过是骗人的鬼话。He cannot be in his right senses, else he would not make such wild statements.他肯定神智不清,要不然就不会作出这样狂妄的声明了。US diplomats say the president is likely to take the high road in his statements about international trade.美国外交官们说,总统在有关国际贸易的声明中可能会采取最保险的措施。The diplomat's bland statement did nothing to calm the situation.外交官乏味的声明对于稳定局势没有一点作用。I'm still boggled over her outrageous statements.对于她那蛮横的声明我心有余悸。We had to sign a waiver, giving up any rights to the land in the future.我们不得不签了一份弃权声明,放弃将来对那块土地的任何权利。They have issued a statement advocating reform of the legal system.他们发表了一份主张进行法律体制改革的声明Saunder's lawyer made a brief statement to the press outside the court.桑德的律师在法庭外向新闻界发表了简短声明He was kicked out by his father.他父亲声明与他脱离父子关系。Her statement was deliberately misleading.她的声明故意误导人。They issued a vaguely worded statement.他们发表了一份措辞含混不清的声明A judge still needs to validate the election.法官还需要声明此次选举结果合法有效。US diplomats say the president is likely to take the high road in his statements about trade.美国的外交官们说,总统在贸易问题的声明中可能会采取最保险的立场。The untruth of that statement is apparent.那份声明的虚假性是显而易见的。Only one newspaper picked up on the contradictions in the statement.只有一家报纸注意到了声明中的矛盾之处。No statement about the company can be released without his scrutiny.不经他的审查,有关公司的任何声明都不能发布。That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions.那份声明似乎是专门就联合轰炸任务的批评作出反击。I agree with the statement without qualification. 我完全同意这个声明The statement made no mention of government casualties.声明中没有提到政府人员的伤亡人数。I would question the validity of that statement.我质疑那个声明的合法性。He stated that all foreign forces would withdraw as soon as the crisis ended.声明危机一结束,所有外国军队都将撤离。




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