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词汇 the setting sun
例句 The mountain was outlined against the setting sun.夕阳映衬出了山的轮廓。The whole town was bathed in the glow of the setting sun.整个小镇都沐浴在落日的余晖里。Her ring caught the rays of the setting sun.落日的余晖照射在她的戒指上。The artist painted the profile of a boat against the setting sun.这位画家描画了落日映衬下小船的轮廓。Isn't it beautiful the way the setting sun catches the tips of the trees?落日余晖照在树梢上难道不美吗?The western sky was crimson from the setting sun.夕阳西下,天空红霞灿灿。The blazing red of the setting sun omens fine weather.火红的夕阳预示好天气。I wont to sit and watch the setting sun.我时常坐着观看落日。The distant mountains glowed in the light of the setting sun.远山在落日的余晖中熠熠发光。The light of the setting sun suffused the clouds.夕照映红了浮云。The walls gleamed golden in the light of the setting sun.墙壁在落日的余晖中泛着金光。The windows flashed with the setting sun.玻璃窗在夕阳照射下闪闪发亮。The plane raced the setting sun toward the airport.飞机赶在太阳落山前飞向机场。The windows gleamed gold in the shine of the setting sun.窗子在落日的余晖中金光闪闪。The light of the setting sun tinges the buildings with delicate colours.落日的余晖给建筑物染上一抹柔和的色彩。The sky was all aglow with the setting sun.夕阳映照,满天通红。




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