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例句 One gunner in each battery was an NCO and the rest were privates.每个炮兵连都有一个炮手是军士,其余都是二等兵。She led and the rest of us followed.她走在前头,其他人跟在后面。I'll make a few suggestions, and the rest of you can say what you think about them.我提几个建议,你们其他人可以说说对这些建议的看法。A talent scout spotted her behind the counter at a soda fountain and the rest is history. 一位星探发现了冷饮柜台后面的她,后来发生的事就众所周知了。The hardest part of the work is over and the rest is downhill.这件事的最难部分做完了,剩下来的事很容易。Half the letter was in Swedish and the rest in English.这封信一半用的是瑞典语,一半用的是英语。Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were captured.两名士兵被杀,其余被俘。A good crowd will be a definite advantage to me and the rest of the team.大批观众无疑将成为我和其他队员的一大优势。The troops have taken their first objective and the rest is in the bag.部队已经攻下第一个目标,其余的可如探囊取物。The gap between the lead runner and the rest of the field continued to widen.领跑选手与场内其他选手之间的距离在继续拉大。One after the other, Danton, Robespierre, and the rest went to the guillotine.丹东、罗伯斯庇尔以及其他人被逐一送上了断头台。You can pay $10 down and the rest later.你可现在付十元,其余的以后再付。There has been a steady improvement in relations between China and the rest of the world.中国与世界其他国家之间的关系已经得到了稳步改善。The clouds cleared away and the rest of the day was fine.云散之后天气转晴。One after the other Danton, Robespierre and the rest went to the guillotine.丹东、罗伯斯比尔以及其他人被逐一送上了断头台。There's so much competition from satellite TV, local radio, and the rest.有来自卫星电视、地方电台及其他诸如此类媒体的众多竞争。So she started to write stories, and the rest, as they say, is history.然后她开始写短篇小说。后来发生的事正如他们所说的,大家就都知道了。In those days there was no reliable system of transportation between Alaska and the rest of the US.那时候,阿拉斯加和美国其他地区还没有可靠的运输系统。He hopes that closer links between Britain and the rest of Europe will change the British mentality towards foreigners.他希望英国与其他欧洲国家更为密切的关系可以改变英国人对外国人的心态。I put on my thermal leggings, long socks and the rest of my clothes.我穿上保暖紧身裤、长袜和其他衣服。They had solved the biggest problems and the rest was downhill.他们解决了最大的难题后,其余问题就容易了。So that settles it. We'll pay you half the purchase price now, and the rest over two years.那就这么定了,我们现在付给你售价的一半,其余的两年内付清。The hardest part of the mission passed, and the rest is just a piece of cake.任务中最难的部分已经结束了,剩下的是小菜一碟啦。He took her to see his publisher, and the rest is history.他带她去见他的出版商,接下来就是尽人皆知的事了。




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