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例句 The stained-glass panels are etched and then handpainted using traditional methods.彩色玻璃板先经过蚀刻,然后用传统技法手工着色。The candle flickered a few times and then went out.烛光闪烁了几下就熄灭了。She first described the procedure in crude terms, and then went into more detail.她先概述了步骤,然后再详细讲述。I read the first few chapters and then got bored.我读了开头几章就厌烦了。They paid off all their workers and then closed the factory.他们付清所有工人的工资后关闭了工厂。The child took the measles, and then on the back of that came scarlatina.孩子出了麻疹,过后不久又患猩红热。I'll tell Daddy, and then you'll be sorry because he'll give you another black eye.我会告诉爸爸,到时候有你好受的,因为爸爸会再揍你一顿。Her eyes fluttered open for a moment and then she breathed her last.她的眼睛眨动了一会儿,咽下了最后一口气。She walked straight past her office and then had to retrace her steps.她径直走过自己的办公室,之后又不得不折返回来。Turn right onto Main Street and then take your immediate left. 右转进入主街,然后紧接着左转。Duncan shampooed my hair and then Tracy cut it.邓肯给我洗了头,然后特蕾西给我剪了头发。Our washing machine was working perfectly, and then suddenly it went kaput. 我们的洗衣机原来用得好好的,后来突然就坏了。He hesitated a moment, and then knocked on the door.他犹豫一阵后敲了敲门。The dentist gives treatment for free and then recoups the cost from the government.牙医提供免费治疗,然后从政府那里收回成本。The balloon rose up into the air and then floated through/in the air.气球升空后在空气中飘动。We watched the fireflies in the field vanish and then reappear.我们看见萤火虫在田野里时隐时现。Courts in Scotland have ruled it illegal to clamp a car parked on private ground and then to demand a fine.苏格兰法院裁定,将停在私人地界上的车辆上夹钳并索要罚款的行为是违法的。The exercise involved running flat out for two minutes and then resting for one minute.这项训练包括全速跑两分钟,然后休息一分钟。He looked me up and down and then let me in.他朝我上下打量一番后让我进去了。His superiors suspended him, and then downgraded him.上级停了他的职,之后又把他降级。Melanie made herself a cup of tea and then went back to her reading.梅拉妮给自己冲了一杯茶,然后回去继续看书。He hired a couple of deadbeats and then acted surprised when they didn't get the job done.他雇了几个懒家伙,当他们没能干完活儿时,他却假装颇感意外。He wet his lips and then spoke again.他舔了舔嘴唇,然后接着讲话。The traffic kept creeping forwards a few inches and then stopping.车流总是缓慢地往前移动几英寸,然后又停下来。Suddenly the engine stuttered and then it stopped completely.发动机突然突突响了两声,接着便完全停住了。He paints a base coat, allows it to dry, and then adds layers of paint.他刷上一层底漆,晾干,然后又在上面刷了几层漆。We scraped all the old paint off the bike and then repainted it bright red.我们把自行车上的旧漆都刮掉了,然后重新把它漆成了鲜红色。We still see each other every now and then.我们还是时不时地会见面。Every now and then an event occurs that changes public attitudes.时不时地就会有改变公众态度的事件发生。The voices became louder and closer and then faded away again.人声越来越嘈杂,越来越近,接着又逐渐消失了。Stop dillydallying,and just pack your things and then we can start!别犹豫不决了,只要你把东西打包,然后我们就可出发了!We had to relay what he said to his employees and then relay back to him their answer.我们只得把他的话转告雇员们,然后再把雇员们的答复反过来告诉他。We stopped briefly in Detroit, and then went on to Chicago.我们在底特律短暂停留,接着又前往芝加哥。Put the car in gear, and then slowly disengage the clutch while pressing on the gas pedal.挂挡,然后在踩油门的同时慢慢松开离合器踏板。She glanced at me, smiled perfunctorily, and then returned her gaze to the television.她看了我一眼,敷衍地笑了笑,又继续盯着电视看。Carefully hollow out the pineapple and then fill it with the ice-cream.小心地把菠萝掏空,然后放入冰淇淋。The boat came close to the rocks and then sheered away.小船快靠近礁石,紧接著转向行驶。The moon waxes till it becomes full, and then wanes.月亮渐渐变圆直至满盈,然后再变亏缺。He parried and then threw a punch.他挡了一下,然后挥出一拳。He mumbled something and then left.他咕哝了句什么就走了。




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