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词汇 the other side
例句 I like having a white car, but the other side of the coin is that it soon gets dirty.我想要一辆白色的轿车,但从另一方面考虑,白色的车不耐脏。There's nothing but woods on the other side of the highway.公路对面只有树林。The boat had drifted to the other side of the river.船漂到了河对岸。He oared himself to the other side of the big river.他划到大河的彼岸。We had to move our things lock, stock, and barrel to the other side of the country.我们不得不把全部家当都搬到郊外的另一个地方。She sat on the counter and swung her legs over to the other side.她坐到柜台上,把腿跨到另一侧。They passed over to the other side.他们走到那一边去了。Bill lives over on the other side of town.比尔住在镇子的另一边。As a follow-up to last week's show, tonight we'll show the other side of the story.作为上周演出的后续,今晚我们将展现故事的另一面。She's pleased with her promotion but she'll be laughing on the other side of her face when she sees the extra work.她很高兴自己能获得晋升,不过等她明白自己要多干不少工作时恐怕就笑不出来了。I flipped over the card to see what was written on the other side.我把贺卡翻过来看看另一面写了些什么。He languished for his wife and children on the other side of the world.他苦苦地思念在地球另一边的妻儿。We pitched on the other side of the hill.我们在山的那边扎营。She ran to the other side and volleyed into the net.她跑到另一边截球入网。The deer crossed over to the other side of the river.那只鹿过到河对岸去了。They will be laughing on the other side of their faces when the competition's over.比赛结束之后,他们就会转喜为忧了。The fence went all the way over to the other side of the park.这道篱笆一直延伸到公园的另一头。Kate set out for the house on the other side of the bay.凯特动身前往位于海湾另一边的房子。We live near the school, but his house is on the other side of town.我们住在学校附近,而他的家在镇上的另一头。The army's supreme command has said the army will withdraw, provided the other side does so also.陆军最高司令部说如果对方撤退,他们的部队也要撤退。The man was waiting on the other side of the street.那个人在街对面等着。That smile afforded her a brief glimpse of the other side of Adam.那个微笑让她窥见了亚当的另一面。They live on the other side of town.他们住在城市的另一边。The hall on one side of the building was balanced by the club on the other side.大楼一边的大厅正好与另一边的俱乐部相对称。You'll be laughing out of the other side of your face when I start making money with this.当我开始用这个赚钱时,你就会后悔了。A lives here, B lives there, and C lives over there, on the other side of the river.甲住在这里,乙住在那里,而丙住得再过去一点,即在河的对岸。An old friend hailed me from the other side of the street.一位老朋友从街道对面招呼我。You'll be laughing on the other side of your face when I've finished with you!我和你断绝关系的时候,你就会笑脸变成哭脸。He called to her from the other side of the street.他从街道对面喊她。She took the wrong subway and landed on the other side of town.她坐错地铁,到了城区的另一端。A street musician sat on the other side of the courtyard, banging a drum.一名街头演奏家坐在院子的另一头打鼓。From the other side of the door came the scrape of a guard's boot.从门的另一侧传来了保安嚓嚓的马靴声。Write your name here and on the other side put your phone number.在这里写上姓名,在另一面写上电话号码。The dog raced around to the other side of the pond.狗飞跑到池塘的另一边。Her glance flickered briefly across to the group standing at the other side of the street.她迅速扫了一眼站在街对面的那伙人。Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur of movement on the other side of the glass.从眼角余光中我看到玻璃的另一边隐约有东西在移动。The economy is improving, but the other side of the coin is that inflation is becoming a bigger problem.经济在好转,但另一方面通货膨胀也变得日益严重。They escaped to the other side of the border.他们逃到了边界的另一边。He nodded his head to the Stapletons on the other side of the room.他向在房间另一端的斯泰普尔顿一家点头问候。The enemy were strongly entrenched on the other side of the river.敌人固守在河对岸的壕沟里。




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