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词汇 mystical
例句 The poet's treatment of the subject lifts it to a mystical plane.诗人对该题材的处理使它上升到了一个玄妙的高度。The experience partakes of a mystical quality.这番经历颇有几分神秘色彩。That was clearly a deep mystical experience.显然,那是内心深处所经历的一次神秘历程。He had been unwittingly deluded by their mystical nonsense.他不知不觉中被他们故弄玄虚的鬼话给骗了。She says that the symbol has mystical powers.她说这个符号有神奇的力量。As a clergyman's son he'd imbibed a set of mystical beliefs from the cradle.作为牧师的儿子,他从尚在襁褓时起就接受了一套神秘主义信仰。He has a mystical union/relationship with God.他和上帝之间有一种神秘的联合/关系。He had undergone a profound mystical experience.他经历了一次深刻神奇的体验。That was clearly a deep mystical experience.那显然是内心深处所经历的一次神秘历程。




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