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She has created her own mythology in the books.她在书中编造了自己的神话。There is a popular mythology that he discovered the cause of the disease by himself.有一种普遍的错误观点,认为是他本人发现了那种疾病的起因。Sisyphus, the character from Greek mythology希腊神话中的人物西绪福斯She is writing a thesis on Irish legend and mythology.她正在写一篇关于爱尔兰民间故事和神话的论文。His novels are a rich synthesis of Balkan history and mythology.他的小说融合了大量巴尔干半岛的历史和神话故事。There have always been stories of human giants in Celtic legend and mythology.凯尔特神话传说中一直都有巨人的故事。She grew up reading Greek and Norse mythology.她是读着希腊和北欧神话长大的。In Greek mythology, the god Zeus took the form of a swan to seduce Leda.在希腊神话中,天神宙斯化成一只天鹅来引诱勒达。We have been studying ancient Greek mythology.我们一直在研究古希腊神话。In ancient Greek mythology, Mount Olympus was the dwelling place of the gods. 在古希腊神话中,奥林匹斯山是诸神居住的地方。According to Greek mythology, the minotaur would only eat human flesh.希腊神话里说,人身牛头怪物弥诺陶洛斯只吃人肉。The most basic facts about him are lost in a fog of mythology.关于他的那些最基本信息离奇地湮没无踪了。He studies Greek and Roman mythology.他研究希腊和罗马神话。The theme of creation is a recurrent motif in Celtic mythology.天地万物的创造是凯尔特神话中反复出现的主题。The constellations in the night sky cannot be directly equated with the heroes of Greek mythology.夜空中的星座不能直接与希腊神话中的英雄相等同。Stories about the ghost have entered the mythology of the town.闹鬼的故事已经成为该镇种种荒诞不实掌故的一部分。In Norse mythology the moon is personified as male.北欧神话中,月亮被拟人化为男性。Altman strips away the pretence and mythology to expose the film industry as a business like any other.奥尔特曼揭去了电影产业的伪装和神秘光环,揭示了其与其他产业并无二致的商业本质。The Chimera is a monster in Greek mythology that is part lion, part goat, and part serpent.喀迈拉是希腊神话中的一个怪物,身体部分是狮子,部分是山羊,部分是蛇。Contrary to popular mythology , he did not actually discover the cause of the disease by himself.都说是他本人发现了那种疾病的起因,其实不然。 |