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例句 I thought he was the boss and she was his secretary, but in fact it was the other way around.我以为他是老板,她是秘书,但事实上正好相反。His promotion caused widespread resentment among the other lawyers.他获提拔引起了其他律师的普遍不满。The parent who has residency often loses touch with the other partner's parents, meaning that the children lose one set of grandparents.获得监护权的一方多数会和另一方的父母失去联系,这就意味着孩子失去了其中的两个祖父母。He made the other boys laugh by mocking the way the teacher spoke.他学那个老师说话的样子使其余的男生都笑了起来。The example is on all fours with the other.这个例子与另一个例子完全对应。My new neighbor, whom I introduced to you the other day, had a heart attack last night.日前我介绍你认识的我那位新邻居昨晚心脏病发作。Despite pressure from the police he refused to inform on the other conspirators.尽管有来自警方的压力,他拒绝供出共谋者。He feared the other prisoners were plotting against him.他担心其他囚犯密谋整他。While one of them tried to put his hand in my pocket, the other held me from behind.其中一人试图掏我口袋的时候,另一个人从后面抱住了我。You'd think you were the one who did me the favour, and not the other way around.你就会以为是你帮了我的忙,而不是反过来。He kept shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other.他不停地把重心从一只脚转移到另一只脚,样子很是笨拙。He lost his self-control and lashed out at the other player.他失去自制力,攻击了另一名运动员。I didn't like this novel as much as the other one.我对这本小说的喜爱程度不如另一本。Have you heard anything of the other Englishman?你了解另一个英国人的情况吗?There was a gurgle of laughter on the other end of the line.从队伍的另一头传来咯咯的笑声。It's good to get a view from the other side of the pond.能够了解大西洋另一边的观点很好。I met Lucy the other day outside Budgens.前几天我在巴珍斯超市外碰到露西。Yes or no? Give me an answer one way or the other.同意还是不同意?不管怎样,给我一个答案。Her bed was screened off from the other patients.她的床同其他患者隔开了。Carson claims he was defending himself when he struck the other man.卡森声称他是为了自卫才打另一名男子的。A General Election will be held which will seal his destiny one way or the other.一场决定他命运的大选即将举行。Travellers get from one side to the other by walking across a footbridge that spans a little stream.游客通过一座横跨小溪的步行桥从一边来到另一边。He suffered the taunts of the other children.他受到了其他孩子的嘲讽。I couldn't work out why the cars coming in the other direction were flashing me.我不明白为什么对面开来的车要向我闪灯。He took a lot of flak from the other kids for his unusual appearance.他不同寻常的外表遭到其他孩子很不客气的抨击We plan to join up with the other team at the top of the mountain.我们计划与另外一个队在山顶会合。He has pulled ahead of the other candidates in the election polls.他在选举前的民意调查中领先其他候选人。Those two ideas must be kept distinct one from the other.必须把那两种思想区别开。Don't show him the other way of doing it - it'll only confuse him.不要告诉他另一种做法一—那只会把他弄糊涂。Here are two apples; one is big and the other is small.这里有两个苹果;这个大,另一个小。 He glanced discreetly around the room at the other people.他谨慎地瞥了一眼房间里的其他人。Only one doctor is on duty today and the other doctor is off duty.今天只有一个医生值班,另一位下班了。Ashley sat at the other end of the sofa.阿什利坐在沙发的另一头。When he saw me, he took off in the other direction.他一看见我就往另外一个方向躲开了。You're not in a position to remove me. The boot is now on the other foot.你无权开除我。相反,现在是我说了算。The enemy were strongly entrenched on the other side of the river.敌人固守在河对岸的壕沟里。He doesn't socialize with the other players on the team.他不与队里其他队员交往。She was eager to mingle with the other party guests.她急切地想和聚会上其他的客人融在一起。You can liquefy the carbon dioxide to separate it from the other constituents.可以将二氧化碳液化,以便和其他成分分开。I tried to redirect their attention to the other painting.我尽力将他们的注意力引到另一幅画上。




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