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词汇 then
例句 The mixture is heated and then agitated.混合液加热后搅动一下。Taking a holiday then is out of the question, you'll have to arrange it for some other time.在那个时候度假绝对不可能,你得另外安排时间。If the Americans were so minded then they could take sanctions against them.要是美国人非要这么做的话,那么他们可以对其进行制裁。He exchanged a quick smile with her, then entered the lift.他与她匆匆相视一笑,然后进入电梯。I got up late, and then Brian was in the bathroom, so I just rushed straight here.我起晚了,布赖恩又在用卫生间,所以我就直接奔到这里来了。Who can fold up a pushchair, toddler and shopping and then get them all onto the bus?.谁有那本事一手收起婴儿推车,一手抱着刚会走路的孩子,还得提着刚买的东西,然后挤上公共汽车?It's annoying that we can't travel until Thursday, but the upside is that tickets are cheaper then.烦人的是我们要等到周四才能出发去旅行,但好处是到时票价会便宜些。I always cover my licence with sticky-backed plastic, but even then it can turn mouldy and unreadable.我总是在执照上贴一层塑膜,但即便如此它还是会发霉并致使没法辨认。We should get there before then.我们应该赶在那个时候之前到达那里。Slice each avocado in half, then peel off the skin.把鳄梨切成两半,然后去皮。Well,say it were true,what then?好吧,就算这是真的,那又怎么样呢?He checked his mirror then reversed up the outside lane.他看了一眼后视镜,然后把车倒上了外车道。I was pretty green then; I had a lot of things to learn.我那时年幼无知,有很多东西要学。I expected her then, but she arrived the week after.我以为她当时要来,可她一周后才到。First, the car wouldn't start, and then I got stuck in traffic—suffice it to say, there was no way I could get here on time.首先,我的车就是不能启动;其次,我堵车了。这些就足以说明我没办法按时到达这里。If we disarm, then they must do likewise.如果我们裁军,他们也必须裁军。That's settled then. I'll go and get ready.那就这么定了。我去准备一下。He just dashed into the office and then dashed out again without speaking to anyone.他冲进办公室,一会儿又冲了出去,和谁也没有说话。We'll wait a little longer and then I'll phone them.我们再稍微等一等,还不来的话我会给他们打电话的。And then, omg, I saw Johnny Depp in Starbucks!天哪,随后我在星巴克见到了约翰尼·德普!Ever since then you've treated me like a doormat.从那之后,你一直没把我当人看。If the strike continues, then violence is inevitable.要是罢工继续下去,那么暴力事件是不可避免的了。Hear me out first, Jane, and then you can say what you think.先听我说完,简,然后你再说你的想法。She sighed, then continued in a soft, calm voice.她叹了口气,然后用柔和平静的声音接着说下去。He sounded sincere, but then, he always did.他听起来很真诚,可是话说回来,他向来如此。Identical twins develop from a single fertilized egg that then splits into two.同卵双胞胎是由一个受精卵分裂发育而来的。He gave her an abstracted glance, then returned to his book.他心不在焉地瞥了她一眼,又一头扎进他的书里。The car would start but then stutter to a stop.这辆车能发动起来,但接着就会磕磕绊绊地停下来。The number of votes cast in each section will then be calculated.接下来将计算各区的投票数。You've then got an evens chance of doubling your money at a stroke.然后你就有一半的机会可以把钱一下子翻一倍。If he's my uncle, then I'm his niece.如果他是我叔叔,那我就是他的侄女。She was appointed to the position by Connecticut's then governor. 她是被时任康涅狄格州州长委任此职的。He then sticks it back together with flour paste.然后他用面糊把它重新粘了起来。American firms handed over technologies to their partners and then sat back to enjoy the cash flow.美国公司把技术移交给了合作方,然后就坐等着收钱了。If you've really decided to quit the music business, then so be it.如果你确实决定了要离开音乐业,那么就随你的便吧。The kids listened to the speaker for a little while, but then lost interest.那些小孩听了一小会儿演讲者的讲话,但很快就失去了兴趣。If that's his real hair, then I'm a Dutchman.如果那是他的真头发,那我就是荷兰人。The Government flies these kites of disinformation, then people feel grateful when the changes don't happen.政府故意放出这些虚假消息来试探舆论,而当其中提到的改变并未出现时,老百姓便会心怀感激。The plant is then processed for dye.然后对这种植物进行加工以获取颜料。All of us, then, must accept some blame for these problems.总而言之,我们所有人必须就这些问题承担一些责任。




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