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词汇 外交政策
例句 The Federal government decides U.S. foreign policy.联邦政府决定美国的外交政策This decision will have a disastrous impact on foreign policy.这个决定将对外交政策产生极为不利的影响。He accused the government of a serious foreign policy misjudgement.他指责政府在外交政策上有一个严重失误。Their foreign policy lacks definition.他们的外交政策含糊不明。Their greatest foreign policy problem is their divisions at home.他们外交政策上的最大问题是国内的分歧。This changed the direction of U.S. foreign policy.这改变了美国外交政策的方向。The article is an excellent primer on foreign policy.这篇文章是关于外交政策的绝好入门读物。American foreign policy美国的外交政策He alone was allowed to make decisions on foreign policy.只有他被准许就外交政策作出决定。McCain gave Obama a barracking over his foreign policy.麦凯恩言辞激烈地抨击了奥巴马的外交政策The President is vulnerable on a number of foreign policy and defense issues.总统在一系列外交政策和防务问题上易受攻击。They are arguing over foreign policy.他们就外交政策进行争论。Does television set the agenda on foreign policy?.电视舆论对外交政策有影响吗?She takes on the country's current foreign policy in her new book.她在新书里抨击了国家现行的外交政策The President's foreign policy team are keeping a close eye on events.总统的外交政策团队正密切关注事态的发展。These assumptions about Communism skewed American foreign policy for decades.关于共产主义的这些假设使美国的外交政策数十年来存有偏见。The making of foreign policy is largely the preserve of the president.外交政策的制定主要由总统负责。The conduct of foreign policy is largely the preserve of the president.外交政策事宜主要由总统专门负责。The President is anxious to demonstrate that he has a strong foreign policy.总统急于证明他的外交政策很强硬。The aim of US foreign policy at that time was to prevent the spread of communism.那时美国外交政策的目标是阻止共产主义的发展壮大。She changed her foreign policy from one of force to one of coexistence and cooperation.她改变了外交政策,从依靠武力变为和平共处、协同合作。He reserved particular venom for critics of his foreign policy.他对那些批评他外交政策的人格外心怀怨恨。A small group of advisers helps the President with the formulation of foreign policy.一个顾问小组帮助总统制定外交政策The White House hopes to shift the media's attention away from foreign policy issues.白宫希望把媒体的注意力从外交政策问题上移开。The President's speech was an effective apology for his foreign policy.总统的演说是对其外交政策的有力辩护。This is an interesting look at Soviet foreign policy.这是对苏联外交政策的一种趣味性解读。Kissinger was now chief steward of US foreign policy.基辛格现在是美国外交政策的负责人了。We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.我们需要更有弹性的外交政策Foreign policy will take a back seat to domestic problems for a while.外交政策暂时要排在国内问题之后了。There was a radical difference between their views on foreign policy.他们对外交政策的看法存在着根本性的差异。The government enthusiastically supports US foreign policy, sometimes to excess.该政府热烈支持美国的外交政策,有时候过了火。She is critical of the president's globalist foreign policy.她对总统全球主义的外交政策颇有微词。He doesn't know beans about foreign policy.他对外交政策一窍不通。Before the convention, there was debate over the foreign policy and economic planks.会议召开前,人们就外交政策和经济政策准则进行了辩论。He's been acting as a mouthpiece for the government on questions of foreign policy.他一直担任政府外交政策问题的发言人。The Secretary of State played a leading role in the government's successful foreign policy.国务卿对政府成功推行的外交政策起了主导作用。I will put before the public what our foreign policy is and explain its rationale.我愿将我国外交政策的内容公诸于众,并说明其依据。The politician refused to identify himself with the Administration's foreign policy.那位政治家拒不支持政府的外交政策The government is sounding a tougher foreign policy towards the neighbouring nations.政府宣告将对邻国采取更强硬的外交政策He described their foreign policy as on hold.他将他们的外交政策称为缓兵之计。




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