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词汇 the hell
例句 What the hell do you think you're doing following me around?.你到处跟着我到底想干什么?He likes to start arguments for the hell of it.他就喜欢无端跟人争吵。You get the hell out of here. Now.你给我滚。马上。I was supposed to be working this evening but what the hell - I'll see you at the bar in half an hour.今晚我本来应该工作的,但这也没关系——半小时后我们酒吧见。We have only one aim: to heat the hell out of the opposition.我们只有一个目标: 把对手打得屁滚尿流。Just for the hell of it, I decided to go.管他呢,我决定去。Elaine poured herself a large glass of whisky – what the hell, it was Christmas.伊莱恩给自己倒了一大杯威士忌,管它呢,今天是圣诞节。I'll just wing it and say whatever the hell is in my head.我想随便讲几句,想到什么就讲什么。The alarm scared the hell out of me.警报器把我的魂都吓掉了。What the hell do I want with an emotional retard?和一个感情用事的傻瓜在一起,我究竟是图什么?So I figured, what the hell, let's give it a try.我觉得不管怎样,我们先试试。That noise scared the hell out of me.那噪音吓得我半死。What the hell were you doing! You could have killed me!你在搞什么鬼!你差点把我害死!We'd better get the hell out of here.我们最好尽快离开这儿。They shot people just for the hell of it.他们朝人开枪只是为了好玩。It was just vandalism for the hell of it, not even thinking about how it would affect other people.这只是为了好玩就破坏公物,丝毫没有考虑会对其他人造成怎样的影响。Where the hell was Bud, anyhow?巴德到底在哪儿?He jumped out from behind a wall and scared the hell out of her.他从一堵墙后面跳了出来,把她吓了个半死。The boxer beat the hell out of his opponent.拳击手把对手打得落花流水。How in the hell did that happen?怎么会发生这种事?Some of the films frightened the hell out of children.有些电影小孩看了吓得要死。I hear you decked him and scared the hell out of his buddies.我听说你一拳把他打倒在地,吓得他那些狐朋狗友屁滚尿流。Jeez, I wish they'd tell us what the hell is going on.天哪,我希望他们能告诉我们到底是怎么回事。What the hell do you want?你究竟要什么? Why don't you take you and your bluster the hell out of here?你干吗不闭上鸟嘴从这儿滚出去?We lost a little money, but what the hell, it's not a big deal.我们损失了一些钱,不过没关系,这没什么大不了的。Let's get the hell out of here, before any shooting starts.在开火前我们赶快离开这里吧。I was ready to say the hell with it and leave.我那时候已经想好要走了,让它见鬼去吧。I know the fare is expensive, but what the hell.我知道车费很贵,但这有什么关系。I kissed him just for the hell of it.我纯粹为了好玩而吻了他。A lot of rich kids are turning to crime just for the hell of it.许多富家子弟就是为了寻求刺激才走上犯罪道路的。She scared the hell out of me when she said she had to go into hospital.她说她得去住院时,我被她吓得魂不附体。Wretched woman, he thought, why the hell can't she wait?.他想,可恶的女人,她怎么就不能等一等呢?I found myself in some seedy peepshow once, just to see what the hell goes on there.有一次我只是想看看发生了什么事情,结果发现自己到了一个下流的裸体表演现场。Take it the hell out of the kitchen!快把这东西扔出厨房! We used to go out every Saturday night and get drunk, just for the hell of it.我们过去每个星期六晚上都出去喝个一醉方休,只是想寻找刺激。Let's get the hell out of here.我们赶紧离开这个鬼地方吧。That movie scared the hell out of me. 那部电影真吓死我了。What the hell are you about?你到底在做什么? What the hell are you playing at?你究竟在搞什么名堂?




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