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词汇 大幅减少
例句 There has been a drop-off in attendance this year.今年的出席人数大幅减少Tourist numbers from across the pond have dropped dramatically.来自大西洋彼岸的游客人数大幅减少Manufacturers report a big drop in new orders.生产商报告说新订单大幅减少Companies have slashed inventories and cut back investment.各公司已经大力削减库存并大幅减少投资。He had withdrawn from the company of his friends to an alarming extent.大幅减少和朋友们的来往,已经到了令人担忧的程度。The moose population has plunged in recent years.近年来,驼鹿的数量大幅减少Populations of endangered animals have been decimated.濒危动物的数量已经大幅减少With the passage of time, the number of children suffering with the disease has decreased dramatically.随着时间的推移,罹患这种疾病的儿童数量大幅减少Student numbers have sunk considerably this year.今年的学生人数大幅减少The village/population was decimated by plague.瘟疫导致村民/人口大幅减少




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