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词汇 Tell
例句 Tell me, what do you think of my theory?.你说说,我的理论怎么样?Tell him from me that I want him to return my book.把我的话转告给他,我要他把我的书还来。Tell me how much I owe, and I'll give it to you.告诉我我欠你多少钱,我这就还你。Tell me how everything went off tonight.告诉我今晚一切都进行得怎么样。Tell me Caroline, do you trust me?告诉我,卡罗琳,你信任我吗?Tell Tom to call me back this evening.告诉汤姆今天晚上给我回电。Tell a good story rather than simply dishing up facts.要把故事讲好,而不是简单地陈述事实。Tell him not to go on shaping in with such company.叫他别再跟那种人混在一起了。Tell him I need to see him the minute he arrives.他一到就告诉他我要见他。Tell her I said hello.代我向她问好。Tell the boss she's wrong if you like: it's your funeral!你尽管告诉老板是她自己错了:你这是自讨苦吃!Tell me about all your doings in London.把你在伦敦所作的事情全告诉我。Tell Harry I'll be thinking of him and I hope he'll be home soon.跟哈里说我关心他,希望他早点回家。Tell me if you start to feel sick, all right?你要感到不舒服就马上告诉我,好吗?Tell me straight: did you do it or didn't you?老实告诉我:你做没做这件事?Tell the guests not to dress for dinner.告诉客人们不必穿礼服赴宴。Tell me what you're looking for.告诉我你在找什么。Tell them your father's a policeman - that'll put the wind up them!告诉他们你爸爸是警察——那会让他们感到害怕的!Tell him to keep his shirt on until we're ready.告诉他在我们准备好之前要耐着性子。Tell us everything that happened.告诉我们所发生的一切。Tell me how to spell that word.告诉我那个词怎么拼。Tell me what you remember.告诉我你记得什么。Don't bullshit me. Tell me the truth!别对我撒谎。给我讲实话!Tell the kids to please wash before eating.告诉孩子们请餐前洗手。Tell him I thought he was marvellous.告诉他我认为他很了不起。Tell me the truth - does this dress make me look fat?跟我说实话—我穿这条裙子看起来是不是很胖?Tell them to leave by the back way.告诉他们从后门走。I really am interested. Tell me more.我真的很感兴趣,再告诉我一些吧。Tell your mother it's time you-all came to visit us.对你妈说你们全家该来作客了。Tell me about yourself.给我讲讲你自己的事。Tell me plainly what you want.说清楚,你想要什么。Tell them the story about that time you got stuck in the elevator.把那次你被困在电梯里的事告诉他们吧。Tell me where you were - and I want an honest answer.告诉我你去哪儿了—我要诚实的回答。You're confusing him! Tell him slowly and one thing at a time.你把他搞糊涂了!慢慢跟他讲,一次说一件事。Tell me what the nuts and bolts of the plan involve.请告诉我这个计划的基本要点。Tell your annoying friends to shove off.叫你那些惹人厌的朋友们走开。Tell me the whole story, right from the beginning.给我讲一下整件事,从头讲。OK, out with it. Tell us what she said.好吧,说出来吧。告诉我们她说了什么。Tell me everything that happened, from the beginning.把发生的事全部告诉我,从头讲起。Tell me your hopes and dreams.告诉我你的希望和梦想。




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