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词汇 systems
例句 If index data for image processing systems are corrupted, users will likely be relying on the wrong images.如果图像处理系统的索引数据被毁坏,用户很可能会错误地使用了其它图像文件。He distrusted political systems and placed his faith in the genius of individuals.他不相信政治体制,而是相信个人天赋。His first job as a systems analyst was to reorganize they way the store's stock was recorded.他当系统分析师的第一个任务是重新组织商店存货的记录方式。Advanced computer systems could trace the origin of every gun used in a violent crime.先进的电脑系统可以追查出暴力犯罪案中使用过的每一把枪的来历。Quota systems were set up to prevent depletion of fish stocks.建立了限额制度以防止鱼类资源枯竭。When it comes to integrating their transport systems, the French don't miss a trick.法国人从不放过任何整合其交通系统的机会。This affords us the opportunity to ask questions about how the systems might change.这给我们提供了就系统可能如何改变进行提问的机会。We'll need new information systems, and that's where Steve comes in.我们将需要新的信息系统,这正是史蒂夫可以发挥作用的地方。All systems would be replaced from the ground up.所有的系统将被彻底替换。Both realism and naturalism are mimetic systems or practices of representation.现实主义和自然主义都是一种模仿体系或表现性的做法。We are changing systems, but we expect a smooth transition.我们在改变体制,但是我们期待一次顺利的过渡。They lead the field in home entertainment systems.他们在家庭娱乐设备行业中居领先地位。Causing such a perturbation to Earth's life systems is likely to have huge consequences.像这样扰乱地球的生命系统很可能会产生严重的后果。There seems to be no uniformity among the various systems.各种制度之间似乎没有统一性。Safety systems in the tunnel left a lot to be desired.隧道的安全系统还有大量需要改进的地方。They ran commercials on cable systems across the country.他们在全国的有线电视网上投放商业广告。The company provides highly adaptable business systems.这家公司的业务系统适应性非常强。There are obvious parallels between computer systems and the working of the human brain.计算机系统和人脑的工作有明显的相似之处。The chairman quipped that he would rather sell his airline than his computer systems.主席风趣地说,他宁可卖掉他的航空公司,也不愿出售他的计算机系统。These systems are capable of performing multitudes of tasks.这些系统能完成许许多多不同的任务。In most cases, well-designed systems of covering or encapsulation do appear to work.在大多数情况下,设计良好的覆盖或封装系统似乎确实管用。Management systems can be built that increase operational flexibility.可以建立起能提高操作弹性的管理体制。These broadcasting systems are cold-war relics.这些广播系统是冷战的残留物。People speculate about virtuality systems, but we're already working on it.人们才开始构思虚拟系统的时候,我们已经进行开发了。The aim of the course is to help students to comprehend the structure of contemporary political and social systems.这门课程旨在帮助学生了解当代政治与社会体制的结构。The patent covers both kinds of devices/systems.这项专利对两种装置/系统都适用。The two systems of government are polar opposites.这两种政体截然相反。The guidance systems didn't work and the missile couldn't hit its target.制导系统失灵了,这枚导弹没能击中目标。His argument was that multi-party systems encourage tribalism.他的论点是多党制会助长集团主义。We help multinational companies re-engineer their communications systems.我们协助跨国公司重新规划他们的通讯系统。Smaller towns have less money to spend, so their systems are very modest in comparison.小城镇没有多少钱可花,所以他们的体系相比之下也很简单。Computer users from around the world reported that the virus had invaded their systems.世界各地的电脑用户纷纷报告说该病毒已侵袭了他们的系统。Using powerful lasers, the device can incapacitate enemy radar systems.这种装置使用了强大的激光,能破坏敌人的雷达系统。Biological systems have been doing this for billions of years.生态系统亿万年来一直都是这样。Many economic systems predate capitalism.有许多经济制度先于资本主义制度出现。Japanese televisions and hi-fi systems are exported all over the world.日本的电视机以及高保真音响设备出口到世界各地。We sell computer systems in lots of different configurations.我们出售多种配置不同的计算机系统。Computer security systems will be designed by independent technicians.计算机安全系统将由独立的技师来设计。It's hard to regulate financial systems, but that's not an argument for Rafferty's rules.对金融系统的监管很难,但这并不是说它就该杂乱无章。All systems on the spaceship are go.宇宙飞船上的各系统工作正常。




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