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词汇 不良
例句 People can carry bad eating habits learned in childhood over to/into adulthood.人们可能把童年时养成的不良饮食习惯带到成年。The drug is effective, but has undesirable side effects, and long-term use can result in liver damage.这种药很有效,但是有不良副作用,长期服用会损害肝脏。Cancer drugs often have unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and loss of hair.抗癌药物通常有不良的副作用,如恶心、掉头发。Investors ditched stocks that were performing badly.投资者抛售了业绩不良的股票。You could get a nasty shock from that water heater if it isn't earthed properly.如果电热水器接地不良的话,可能会发生很严重的触电事故。The drug has undesirable side effects.此药有不良的副作用。The new public relations manager has the difficult task of shoring up the company's troubled image.新任公关经理面临改善公司不良形象的艰巨任务。The medication can have adverse side effects on the patient.这种药物可能对病人有不良副作用。There is concern over the bad image of the legal profession.大家对法律界的不良形象甚为担忧。Deanes writes and lectures about teenage delinquents.迪恩斯就不良青少年问题撰文并演讲。Exercise may mediate the effects of a bad diet.运动可以减轻不良饮食造成的影响。Undesirable consequences flow from these misconceptions.这些误解造成了不良的影响。I don't want you to take up with the wrong crowd.我希望你不要交上不良朋友。These pills don't normally have any unpleasant side-effects.这种药片一般不会有不良的副作用。It never occurred to Sally that the man had any bad intentions.萨莉从未想过这男人会有任何不良企图。Pushing kids so hard from such an early age is likely to have some harmful results.从这么小就开始对孩子施加很大的压力,可能会产生不良的后果。His son's bad behavior is just par for the course. 他儿子的不良表现不足为奇。Poor diet can affect the unborn baby.饮食不良会影响未出生的婴儿。Bad customs and laws ought to be abolished.不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。Our TV gets poor reception because of all the trees around the house.我们的电视信号接收不良,因为房子四周都是树。The US had serious concerns over the country's poor human rights record.美国对于该国不良的人权纪录极其关注。Poor planning and equipment may well bring about the worst results.计划不周以及设备不良很可能造成最坏的结果。You could get a nasty shock from that water heater if it isn't grounded properly.如果电热水器接地不良的话,可能会发生很严重的触电事故。The bank will determine if a potential borrower is a good/bad credit risk. 银行将确定一个潜在的借贷人是否存在良好的/不良的信用风险。She was quick to jump on her rival's poor record as governor.她即刻严厉指责竞选对手在担任州长期间的不良政绩。Bad diet is closely connected with many common illnesses.不良饮食习惯同很多常见疾病紧密相关。If bad posture becomes habitual, you risk long-term effects.不良姿势一旦定型,其影响可能是长期性的。Poor posture can lead to muscular problems.不良的姿势可能会导致肌肉问题。Children who snack often develop poor eating habits.常吃零食的孩子会养成不良的饮食习惯。They claim that the drug has no harmful side effects.他们声称这种药物没有不良副作用。Poor customer service ruined the company's reputation.不良的客户服务败坏了公司的声誉。The drug may have other undesirable effects.这种药可能会有其他不良作用。The report touches on the relationship between poverty and poor health.报告论及贫穷和不良健康之间的关系。The main aim of inbreeding is to standardise, to fix desirable inherited characteristics and to dispel undesirable ones.同系交配的主要目的就是实现标准化,保持理想的遗传特性,并消除不良的特性。His heart attack was caused by the usual suspects: poor diet, stress, and smoking.导致他心脏病发作的原因并不出乎意料:不良饮食习惯、精神紧张、吸烟。Sarah was not helped by her poor disciplinary record.不良纪律记录对萨拉没什么好处。The drug has no adverse side effects.这种药物没有不良副作用。I hope the divorce won't have a negative effect on the children.我希望离婚不会对这些孩子造成不良的影响。He argues that poverty is closely tied to poor health. 他论证说贫困和不良的健康状况密切相关。Doctors have a duty to inform patients of the possible negative side-effects of the drug.医生有责任告诉病人药品可能会产生的不良副作用。




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