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His parents seem a rather unlikely couple.他的父母似乎很不般配。They're not right for each other.他们两个在一起不般配。They were married for three years, but they were badly mismatched. 他们结婚三年了,但很不般配。He was an artist, not particularly tidy, too dreamy to match her ways.他是个艺术家,不讲究整洁,太爱幻想,和她不般配。By the end of that first year, I knew how totally unsuited we were to each other.到了第一年年底,我明白了我们俩根本不般配。I always thought Chris and Monique were mismatched, so I wasn't surprised when they got divorced.我一直认为克里斯和莫妮克不般配,所以他们离婚我并不吃惊。Time after time she gets involved in relationships with the wrong men.她一次次地与不般配的男人陷入情感纠葛。 |