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例句 Jackson apologized, saying the song was supposed to illustrate the evils of prejudice.杰克逊道歉说那首歌本来的用意是阐述偏见的种种弊病的。Oh that reminds me - I'm supposed to take Cheryl to the airport tomorrow.噢,这倒提醒了我,明天我应该送谢里尔到机场去的。The British civil service is supposed to be non-political.英国政府的文职部门应该是非政治性的。Shopkeepers are not supposed to sell knives and other sharp implements to children.店主不应该向儿童出售小刀及其他锋利的器具。She supposed, wrongly, that the other two agreed with her.她错误地以为其他两人是赞同她的。He's made a real pig's ear of that bookcase he was supposed to be making.他把该做的书架搞得不成样子了。We're supposed to be running a business here. I've got work to do.我们在这里应该是要经营公司。我有一堆的事情要做。What time are we supposed to meet?我们应该什么时候见面?If you're still unsure about what you are supposed to do, speak up!如果你仍然不知道应该做什么,那就说出来!Everyone was supposed to dance with the bride and pin money on her dress.每个人都要和新娘跳舞,并把钱别在她的裙子上。That's what it's supposed to look like, you clot.本来就该是那个样子的,你这个笨蛋。You were supposed to be in bed by now!你现在应该上床睡觉了!He has been sold down the river by the people who were supposed to protect him.他本应得到那些人的保护,可却遭到了他们的背叛。This is supposed to be a democracy - in other words, one person one vote.这就是人们所认为的民主一即一人一张选票。We're not supposed to make personal calls from work.我们不应该在工作时间打私人电话。I knew very well that the problem was more complex than he supposed.我很清楚那个问题比他料想的要更复杂。We were not supposed to leave the room.我们不可以离开房间。The press accused MacGregor of being out of touch with the campaign he was supposed to be running.报纸指责麦格雷戈与他应当推行的运动脱了节。You are supposed to report it to the police as soon as possible.你必须尽快报警。The new test is supposed to measure the aptitudes of the students.新测验是想要衡量学生们的才能。The movie ends with scenes that are supposed to leave us pondering its meaning.这部电影结尾的场景意在让我们自己去思索其含义所在。She was supposed to be speaking about sales figures, but she kept wandering off the subject.她本该谈论销售数字,但她老是跑题。We're not supposed to eat the fruit on the table. It's just for show. 我们不能吃桌上的水果,它们只是用来做装饰的。When are these library books supposed to go back ?这些从图书馆借的书应该何时归还?It's supposed to fall below zero tonight.今晚气温可能降到零度以下。And what is that pearl of wisdom supposed to mean?.那番精辟见解到底是什么意思呢?It's supposed to rain this weekend, so there go our plans for a barbecue. 预报周末要下雨,因此我们户外烧烤的计划泡汤了。The Super Bowl is supposed to be family viewing.超级碗赛应该是大人小孩都适宜观看的节目。This new DVD player is supposed to be foolproof.这台新的光盘播放机应该是傻瓜型的。We're not supposed to park here, but the authorities usually turn a blind eye.我们不应该把车停在这里,但是行政管理部门通常睁一只眼闭一只眼。I was supposed to make the introductory speech, but I chickened out at the last minute.本来应该由我来致开场白,但我在最后一刻打了退堂鼓。The ad campaign was supposed to appeal to young people but it missed the mark.这场广告宣传旨在吸引年轻人,却未达到目的。You're not supposed to take the books out of the room.这些书不能拿出屋去。It was worse than she'd supposed.事情比她料想的要糟。How is a body supposed to live in these conditions?人怎么可能住在这种环境里呢?The arrivals of the boat and the train are supposed to coincide.船和火车预计会同时到达。The castle is supposed to be haunted.这座城堡据说闹鬼。When the boss walks in, everybody is supposed to jump.老板走进来时,大家都需要表现得干劲十足。Designers at Ford say the car's soft shape is supposed to be attractive to women.福特汽车公司的设计人员说这种车的柔和外型应当对女性很有吸引力。The hill is supposed to be the resting place of the legendary King Lud.这座山被认为是传说中卢德王的长眠之处。




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