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词汇 supports
例句 Anyone who supports terrorists is equally guilty of terrorist crimes.任何支持恐怖分子的人和恐怖分子一样有罪。New evidence has emerged which supports the accusation against her.支持对她的指控的新证据已出现。These supports fasten to eye-bolts in the stanchions.这些支架被连接到支柱的活节螺栓上。The gardener entwined the grape vines around the supports.园丁将葡萄藤缠绕在支架上。The report's finding on the decrease in violent crime supports the police chief's claims.这份报告关于暴力犯罪减少这一现象的结论证实了警察局长的说法。Lots of evidence supports this assumption.许多证据支持该假设。She cites other scholars' work only insofar as it supports her own theories.她仅引用支持自己学说的其他学者的著作。Recent evidence supports the theory that birds descended from dinosaurs.近期的证据为鸟类起源于恐龙的理论提供了支持。The builder added supports to make the walls stronger.建造者增加了支撑物,加固墙体。The earthquake produced fractures in the concrete bridge supports.地震使混凝土桥墩上出现了裂缝。The Senate candidate now supports slavery reparations.如今参议院候选人支持奴隶制赔偿。It's an interesting theory, but there is no hard evidence that supports it.这是个有趣的理论,但它缺乏确凿的证据支持。Protectionism often simply supports narrow vested interests.保护主义支持的常常就是狭隘的既得利益。How far do you think the novel supports the idea that women should never rely on men?你认为这部小说在多大程度上支持女性永远不该依靠男性这一观点?She supports the idea, with reservations. 她支持这个观点,但有所保留。The floor is held up by wooden supports.地板是由木支架撑起来的。Inspectors found that some of the bridge's supports were weak.鉴定人员发现这座桥的一些支柱不结实。The charity supports needy families.这家慈善机构资助贫困家庭。Local government supports the petition for a new hospital.当地政府支持建立一家新医院的请求。She supports both teams.她是这两支球队的球迷。She supports a ban on kosher and halal slaughter, believing that such methods are cruel.她支持取缔犹太教和伊斯兰教屠宰方式,认为那些方法太残忍。New evidence supports his thesis.新的证据支持他的论点。No direct evidence supports this theory, nor does any undercut it.既无直接证据证实这理论,也无直接证据推翻这理论。Evidence that supports his claims is lacking.支持他索赔要求的证据不足。Work is under way to solidify the concrete that supports the building.支撑大楼的混凝土凝固工作现在正在进行。A row of reinforced concrete pillars supports the bridge.一排钢筋混凝土柱子支撑着桥梁。Most large scale buildings now have steel supports.现在大多数大型建筑物都有钢结构支撑。My line manager supports me, and says she's willing to fight my corner.我的部门经理支持我,说她愿意为我据理力争。World opinion will begin to consolidate against terrorism and the causes it supports.国际舆论将开始加强,反对恐怖主义和其支持的事业。The foundation supports cancer research.这家基金会为癌症研究提供资金。The government enthusiastically supports US foreign policy, sometimes to excess.该政府热烈支持美国的外交政策,有时候过了火。A lot of parents push their children, but my dad only ever encourages and supports me.许多家长都在学业上督促他们的子女,但是我父亲只是鼓励和支持我。He supports himself with a cane.他拄着一根拐杖。Well-developed language unambiguously supports sophisticated thinking.发展成熟的语言显然支持复杂的思维。The evidence strongly supports his claims.这一证据有力地证实了他的说法。There is research that strongly supports the existence of repressed memories.有研究充分表明,确实存在着受压抑的记忆。He supports ultra-Left policies.他拥护极左方针。The sample adequately supports this conclusion.样本充分证实了这一结论。He uses his position to proselytize for the causes that he supports.他利用自己的地位劝诱别人参与他支持的事业。The senator says that he supports the proposed legislation.这位参议员说他支持此项立法案。




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