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词汇 supplies
例句 These supplies are inadequate to meet our needs.这些物资不足以满足我们的需要。Marauding gangs of armed men have been looting food relief supplies.持械抢劫团伙一直在四处抢劫救济食品。The officer requisitioned supplies for his troops.那名军官为自己的部队征用物资。Polluted water supplies are a risk to public health.受污染的水源对公众健康是一个威胁。Officials were worried that supplies would be insufficient for the long winter that was being predicted.这个冬天预计很长,官员们担心供应物资不够维持。She described the distribution of food and medical supplies as a logistical nightmare.她把分配食物和药品的工作说成是组织管理上的噩梦。There's been talk of a retaliatory blockade to prevent supplies getting through.有人在谈论实施报复性封锁,阻止供应物资通过。The ship was used to ferry supplies to Russia during the war.这艘船在战时被用来往俄罗斯运送补给。The money raised will provide vital medical supplies to refugee camps.筹集到的资金将用于为难民营提供必需的医疗物资。Big power companies grab cheap supplies and stick everyone else with more expensive ones.大的电力公司把便宜的供应商抓在手中,迫使其他人使用更昂贵的供应商。Production was brought to a temporary halt when power supplies failed.电力供应中断,生产暂时停止了。They portioned the supplies out equally.他们把这些物资平分了。The US led the mercy mission to protect aid supplies from armed rebels.美国领导这次慈善之旅以保护援助物资免遭武装叛乱分子的破坏。The purpose of the occasion was to raise money for medical supplies.那次活动是为筹集资金购买医药物资。The refugees are running short of supplies and winter is approaching.难民的物资即将用完,而冬天又在渐渐逼近。Oil supplies have been shut off.燃油供应被切断了。The cost of reconnection after supplies are cut off is high.供应切断之后再恢复的代价很高。We can save money by cutting out the middleman and ordering our supplies directly from the manufacturer.我们可以不通过经纪人,直接从厂家订货,这样就能够节约资金。In order to decompose, all vegetable matter needs supplies of nitrogen.所有植物性物质的分解都需要氮气的供应。The government is trying to replenish supplies by airlifting food.政府正试图通过空运食品补充给养。The refugees are urgently in need of food and medical supplies.难民急需食品和医疗用品。More food supplies are needed to feed the starving population.需要更多的食品供应来养活饥饿的人们。Helicopters dropped supplies.直升机空投补给品。They set off to deliver supplies to an isolated village.他们出发把供应品送到一座偏僻的村庄。The Oxfam shops depend on regular supplies of saleable items.乐施商店靠出售一些人们定期捐赠的适销物品维持经营。The UN is trying to drop supplies into the area.联合国正试图把物资空投到该地区。Our supplies are completely out.我们贮存的物品已全部用完了。We've launched an appeal, and at the same time we are sending out supplies, shelters, and blankets.我们已经发出呼吁,同时我们正在分发必需品、帐篷和毯子。We should store extra supplies now to provide against a possible scarcity in the coming months.我们现在应该有一些额外的储备以防未来几个月可能出现的短缺。Our farm supplies the market with fruits and vegetables.我们的农场为市场提供水果和蔬菜。There is a place in London that supplies practically everything for left-handed people.伦敦有一个地方卖左撇子用品,几乎什么都有。The first planeloads of food, children's clothing and medical supplies began arriving.首批飞机运送的食物、儿童衣物和药品开始抵达。These oranges are on sale while they/supplies last. 这些橙子降价销售直到卖完为止。The store sells art supplies and other odds and sods.这家商店卖美术用品和其他杂七杂八的东西。The squeeze on metal supplies kept alive a grey market in steel.压缩金属供应使钢铁灰市继续活跃。If next winter is unusually cold, heating-oil supplies will be very tight.如果未来的冬天天气特别冷的话,取暖用油将供不应求。All the members agreed to stand in with the secretary, who had bought the club supplies with his own money.俱乐部干事自己掏钱买了用品,全体会员一致同意跟他分担费用。Getting food supplies through the blockade is almost impossible.把食品供给运过封锁线几乎是不可能的。Keep track of tax-deductible expenses, such as the supplies and equipment you buy.记下可减免税的支出,譬如你购买的日常用品和设备。The family kept emergency supplies available.这户家庭备有随时可以取用的应急物品。




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