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例句 They belong to the dramatic profession.他们是当演员的。They belong to different schools of thought.他们分属不同的学派。The Chinese belong to the yellow race.中国人属于黄种人。The cars belong to the same category.这些汽车属于同一类型。These workers belong in a different category.这些工人工种不同。They belong with each other.他们是天作之合。He felt he did not belong among those people.他感到他和那些人格格不入。Does the writer belong to the Impressionist school?这位作家是否属于印象派? They belong to the same chess club.他们参加同一个象棋俱乐部。Many people belong to a pension scheme run by their employers.许多人参加了由雇主管理的养老金计划。Those kids really belong in school. 那些孩子的确该待在学校里。What family does that bird belong to?那种鸟属于哪一科?These houses all belong to non-resident owners.这些房子都是属于非住家业主的。Does that item really belong on the list?那件商品真的应该列在这张清单上吗?All European domestic cattle belong to the same species.所有欧洲的家牛都属于同一品种。Whales belong among the mammals, not fish. 鲸应属于哺乳类动物,而非鱼类。What you think about this probably depends on which school of economics you belong to.你对此事的观点可能取决于你属于哪一个经济学派。You shouldn't take what doesn't belong to you.你不应该把别人的东西据为己有。The British Royal Family belong to the House of Windsor.英国王室属于温莎家族。We need to remember that the fruits of the earth belong to us all.我们要牢记大地的馈赠是属于我们大家的。From the moment she first joined the company, Sally just didn't belong.萨莉从第一天到公司来上班的时候起就与别人格格不入。When you've finished, put the cassettes back where they belong.你听完后,把磁带放回原处。I really think that we belong together.我真的觉得我们属于彼此。I believe in God, but I don't belong to any organized religion.我信仰上帝,但不属于任何一个宗教组织。They both belong to the local tennis club.他们俩都是当地网球俱乐部的会员。A lot of the boys belong to gangs.许多男孩子加入了帮派。Everyone wants to belong and matter.人人希望成为集体的一份子并起到不可或缺的作用。Tom seemed to belong anywhere he put himself down.看来汤姆不论在哪里住宿都能随遇而安。Logically, the statues belong to them.按理说,这些雕像属于他们。Who does that Walkman belong to?那个随身听是谁的呢?Do you belong to a political party?你是某个政党的成员吗?She didn't belong, and felt utterly forlorn.她与周围的人格格不入,感到完全孤立无助。The books belong in the shelves, not on the floor.这些书放在书架上,不是放在地板上。It is inappropriate for a judge to belong to a discriminatory club.法官参加一个带歧视性的俱乐部是不合适的。Most of the island's population belong to the Islamic faith.这座岛上的大部分人口都信奉伊斯兰教。I felt I did not belong among these people.我感到同这些人格格不入。It was thought that the skull was too small and light to belong to an adult male.有人认为,这个头骨太小太轻,不是属于成年男性的。Those memories belong to the past and I don't want to think about them.那些记忆属于过去,我不愿意再去回想了。Hunting dogs belong in the country, not in the city.猎犬宜养在乡间,不宜养在城市。Most of the company's employees belong to an HMO.这家公司的大部分员工都是健康维护组织的会员。




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