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词汇 belongings
例句 He was identified only by his uniform and personal belongings.人们只认他的制服和个人财产。There are a lot of pickpockets in crowded tourist areas, so look after your belongings.旅游区人多的地方有很多扒手,所以要保管好自己的物品。She gathered up her belongings and left.她收拾好个人物品后离开了。Her belongings now lay scattered in a disorderly mess.这时她的物品胡乱散落一地。Before leaving the train, make sure you have all your belongings with you.下火车前一定要带好随身物品。It doesn't cost much to insure your personal belongings.投保个人财物不需要很多钱。I emptied the closet and put my belongings into the black overnight case.我把壁橱腾空,把我的东西放进那个外出过夜用的黑色旅行袋里。We automatically insure your belongings against fire and theft.我们自动为你的财产上火灾险和盗窃险。We lost our home and all our belongings in the fire.我们在大火中失去了家园,失去了所有的东西。He left all his belongings to his brother.他把他的全部财物留给了他兄弟。Their belongings were flung about the room.他们的东西被凌乱地丢在房间里。Kyle came back out to retrieve his belongings.凯尔返回来取他的东西。All office workers should keep their personal belongings in a locked drawer.办公室里所有员工都应该把私人物件放在抽屉里锁好。He simply packed up his belongings and moved out on Tuesday.他把自己的行李简单收拾了一下,星期二就搬出去了。He was trying to sort through his belongings.他正在整理自己的物品。In her absence, someone had gone through her belongings.她不在的时候,有人翻查过她的东西。It didn't take me long to arrange my belongings; for I had brought little.因为行装带得不多,我没花多少时间就把东西放置舒齐了。She collected up her personal belongings and left.她把个人物品收拾好就离开了。Adam packed his few belongings and moved out.亚当收拾起仅有的几件什物搬出去了。Each child is responsible for his or her own belongings.每个孩子都要看管好自己的个人物品。She bundled up her belongings and put them in a bag.她把随身物品整理好放进包里。I collected my belongings and left.我收拾了一下我的物品,离开了。All personal belongings are left at the owner's risk.所有私人物品,一旦丢失,责任自负。The rubdowns usually lead to their precious belongings being removed.搜身的结果往往是他们的贵重物品被拿走。She hastily gathered all her belongings together.她把自己的东西匆忙收拾了起来。She had left all her personal belongings in the London apartment.她的个人用品都留在伦敦的公寓里了。When you leave the train, please make sure that you have all your belongings with you.下火车时请拿好随身携带的物品。He kept his belongings in storage until he found an apartment.他把个人财物存放起来,直到找到公寓为止。Terrified residents tried desperately to salvage belongings from their devastated homes.吓坏了的市民们拼命从被毁的家中抢救财物。He tied his belongings up in a bundle and left.他把自己的东西捆成一包就走了。I rid myself of many superfluous belongings and habits that bothered me.我把很多无用的物品都丢掉了,并且改掉了一些让我烦心的习惯。They managed to salvage only a few of their belongings from the fire.他们从大火中只抢救出少数几样东西。Be sure to take your personal belongings with you when you get off the bus.下车时请确保带上自己的随身物品。He was told to pack up all of his letters and personal belongings.他被告知收拾好自己所有的信件和私人物品。We asked Verity to pack up her belongings immediately.我们让维里蒂马上收拾行李。She grabbed her belongings and shoved them in her bag.她抓起自己的东西塞进包里。She left a pile of belongings next to her chair.她把一大堆随身物品放在了她的椅子旁边。The passengers gathered their belongings preparatory to getting off.乘客们收拾自己的东西为下车做准备。He returned to his ex-wife's house to pick up a few private belongings.他回到前妻家里拿一些私人物品。Their most valuable belongings were locked in a safe in the bedroom.他们最贵重的财物锁在卧室的保险箱里。




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