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词汇 beloved
例句 They were very distressed to hear that their beloved uncle was at death's door.得知他们爱戴的伯父生命危在旦夕,他们很悲伤。Strangely enough, the last thing he thought of was his beloved Tanya.说来也怪,他最后想到的才是他心爱的塔尼娅。The little boy was beloved of all the teachers.老师都喜欢这个小男孩。She kept the books that had belonged to her beloved father.她一直保留着她所深爱的父亲的书。I miss thee, beloved father.亲爱的父亲,孩儿想念您。The late Bob Johnston was one of the city's most colorful, beloved characters.已故的鲍勃·约翰斯顿是该市最有趣、最受人喜爱的人物之一。His beloved parent had passed to her reward from this very bed.他敬爱的娘亲就是在这张床逝去升天的。Americans are never too keen to leave their beloved country…美国人从不急于离开他们热爱的国家。She refuses to see her beloved boy die in such dishonor.她不愿看到她深爱的男友就这样不名誉地死去。Fame hadn't torn her away from her beloved Liverpool.功成名就之后她还是舍不得离开她深爱的利物浦。The rose is the most romantic of flowers, beloved of poets, singers, and artists.玫瑰是最浪漫的花朵,为诗人、歌唱家和艺术家所钟爱。He put his beloved pipe away carefully.他小心翼翼地把自己心爱的烟斗放好。Her beloved husband died last year.她深爱的丈夫去年去世了。He took his beloved into his arms.他把自己心爱的人搂在怀里。He is a beloved public figure.他是位深受爱戴的公众人物。He's sending some flowers to his beloved.他要送花给他的心上人。He was beloved of all.他是所有人的宠儿。She was beloved of all who knew her.认识她的人都喜欢她。He would brook no criticism, even from his beloved daughter.他不能容忍任何批评,哪怕是自己深爱的女儿的批评。Father is beloved of his family.父亲被全家所爱戴。Fame hasn't torn her away from her beloved Liverpool.功成名就之后她还是舍不得离开她深爱的利物浦。The death of their beloved son was a cruel blow.他们的爱子之死是一痛苦的打击。She mourned for the beloved past.她怀念美好的过去。Her beloved broach was nowhere to be found.她心爱的饰针找不到了。He lost his beloved wife last year.他去年痛失爱妻。He never recovered from the death of his beloved daughter.他一直没有走出失去爱女的阴影。Dearly beloved, let's pray.亲爱的教友,让我们向上帝祈祷。She wrote daily to her beloved brother, Leo.她每天给亲爱的弟弟利奥写信。She refuses to see her beloved boy die in such dishonour.她不愿看到自己深爱的儿子在这般屈辱中死去。It is most excruciating to see your beloved throwing herself into the arms of another man.看见你的至爱投向别的男人的怀抱是件极痛苦的事。They were devastated that they had to leave their beloved homeland.要离开自己热爱的祖国,他们心中悲痛万分。He takes his beloved into his arms.他将心爱之人拥入怀中。She was forced to leave her beloved Paris and return to Lyon.她被迫离开热爱的巴黎,回到里昂。In her last difficult years, she relied on the careful ministrations of her beloved husband.在她最后的艰难岁月里,她靠的是她深爱的丈夫的悉心照料。She saw her beloved approaching.她看见自己心爱的人走了过来。His ashes were scattered on his beloved farm.他的骨灰被撒在他挚爱的农场上。She ran one of the little cafes so beloved of tourists.她经营了一间深受游客喜爱的那类小咖啡馆。




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