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词汇 sunken
例句 Divers searched the sunken shipwreck.潜水员探查了沉船。Authorities say they have pinpointed the location of the sunken ship.当局宣称已确定了沉船的位置。Try diving for sunken treasure.试着潜入水下找寻沉没的财宝。They looked pale and unhealthy, with unwashed hair and sunken cheeks.他们头发脏乱、两颊深陷,看上去脸色苍白、一副病态。It was a luxurious bathroom, with a sunken bath.那是一个豪华的浴室,里面有一个下沉式浴缸。Her eyes looked dull and sunken.她目光呆滞,眼窝深陷。Steps led down to a sunken garden.台阶通向一个下沉式花园。Her eyes were sunken and black-ringed.她眼圈发黑,眼窝深陷。His eyes were sunken in his gaunt face.他面容憔悴,眼窝深陷。The divers tried to float the sunken ship.潜水员想使沉船浮起。Towards the end of his life he looked emaciated, his cheeks hollow and his eyes sunken.在生命即将走到尽头时,他看上去面容枯槁、双颊和眼睛都凹陷下去了。The movie tells the true-life story of two divers who discover a sunken ship.这部电影讲述了两个潜水员发现一条沉船遗迹的真实故事。Twenty years later, the sunken warship was finally found.二十年后,这条沉没的军舰终于被找到了。Her eyes were sunken and lifeless.她双眼深陷且无神。This sighting occurred during my dive to a sunken wreck off Sardinia.这是我在撒丁岛附近的沉船残骸处潜水时所见的景象。Steps lead down to the sunken garden.台阶通向低处的花园。His sunken eyes glistened with delight.他凹陷的眼睛闪现出喜悦的光芒。His red-rimmed eyes and sunken cheeks betrayed his lack of sleep.他红红的眼圈和凹陷的双颊暴露出他缺乏睡眠。Divers salvaged some of the sunken ship's cargo.潜水员们打捞出这艘沉船上的一些货物。The room was dominated by a sunken bath.嵌入地面的浴缸占了房间的大半空间。The diver is examining the sunken ship.潜水员正在检查沉船。The sunken sailing-boat was a glimmer of white on the bottom.沉没的帆船在海底闪烁着白光。They tried to float a sunken ship.他们想使沉船浮起。They invoked principles of international law to claim ownership of the sunken ship.他们援引国际法准则宣称对该沉没船只享有所有权。She looked old and thin with sunken cheeks and hollow eyes.她脸颊凹陷,目光空洞,看起来苍老瘦削。




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