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例句 How far would they go to avenge the death of their friend?为了替死去的朋友报仇,他们会走多远?He says he's been humiliated and now he wants blood.他说他遭到了羞辱,现在想报仇He was determined to avenge his father's death.他决定要为父亲的死报仇So help me, I'll get revenge.不管怎样,我要报仇He vowed revenge for the crime perpetrated on his family.他发誓要为家人受到的侵害报仇They murdered Gillespi in revenge for the death of their brother.他们为了给哥哥的死报仇而杀了吉莱斯皮。He is propelled by both guilt and the need to avenge his father.他受到内疚感和为父报仇之心的双重驱使。I want vengeance for the deaths of my parents.我要为我父母的死报仇The poor murdered girl must be revenged.一定要为被害的可怜女孩报仇When he was a boy, he was in no position to take his revenge.当他还是个孩童时,他无法报仇He sought vengeance against those who had humiliated his country.他寻求向那些曾侮辱过自己国家的人报仇The killings were said to have been in revenge for the murder of her lover.据说,她杀人是为了替她被害的情人报仇She is determined to wreak vengeance on those who killed her cousin.她决心要向杀害表妹的凶手报仇I would find the killer and even it up for Tom.我将找到那凶手,为汤姆报仇The relatives of murdered villagers wanted to revenge the dead.被害村民的亲属想要为死者报仇Herbert swore vengeance on the murderers of his father.赫伯特发誓要向谋杀他父亲的凶手们报仇He was determined to get revenge for the murder of his sister.他决定要为妹妹的被害报仇Ben vowed to avenge his mother's death.本发誓要为死去的母亲报仇From that black day of betrayal onward he vowed to have his revenge.他自从不幸被出卖的那一天起就立誓要报仇These are dangerous men, and they are out for revenge.这些人是危险人物,一心想报仇He sought revenge for his son's murder.他想为被谋杀的儿子报仇Hamlet revenged himself on his father's murderer.哈姆雷特向谋杀他父亲的凶手报仇He made a vow to avenge his father's death.他发誓要为死去的父亲报仇She vowed to revenge herself on her father's killer.她发誓要向杀父之人报仇The soldiers wanted to avenge their humiliating defeat the previous year.士兵们要为上一年令人耻辱的失败报仇Jack was hurt deeply, and he bided his time for revenge.杰克受了很深的伤害,他等待著报仇的时机。She cried aloud to the gods for vengeance for the loss of her daughter.她大声向神灵起誓,要为死去的女儿报仇You've ruined my life, and now it's payback time. 你毁了我的一生,现在该是我报仇的时候了。Victor swore he would get his revenge.维克托发誓要报仇The sheriff in the movie gets revenge on the dirty varmint who killed his brother.影片中的治安官要向杀害他兄弟的歹徒报仇The brothers vowed to avenge the death of their father.几个兄弟发誓要为父亲的死报仇The killings were in revenge for the murder of her lover.她杀人是为了替她被害的情人报仇He swore to seek revenge.他发誓要报仇She had decided to avenge herself and all the other women he had abused.她决定为自己和所有其他被他侮辱的女性报仇It is only human to want revenge when someone hurts you.受到伤害时想报仇不过是人之常情。They vowed to avenge their father by capturing and punishing his killer.他们发誓要抓住并惩罚凶手为父报仇The duo's captors are intent on revenge.劫持这两个人的劫持者一心想报仇He is seeking revenge for his father's murder. 他想找杀父仇人报仇I'll get my revenge if it's the last thing I do! 我一定会报仇的!He was obsessed by a desire for revenge.他一心想报仇




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