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词汇 sun
例句 The sun's coming up over the mountain.太阳从山的上空升起。From her bed at home she can watch the sun flush the sky crimson.她可以从家里的床上看到太阳把天空映得通红。The windows facing south get a lot of sun.朝南的窗户日照充足。As soon as the sun comes out, the mist will pass away.太阳一出来,雾就会消失。Water vapors in the hot sun.水在炎热的阳光下汽化。The sun went in and it started to rain.太阳躲进云层,下起雨来了。The low sun blinded her as she drove up the hill.她开车上山时,低空的太阳使她一阵眼花。The sun had faded the red curtains.太阳把红色的窗帘晒得褪色了。Shivering tourists had congregated in the only open bar in town. Some, desperate for the sun, headed down to Lisbon, while the rest of us decided to sample the sea air of Biarritz.瑟瑟发抖的游客们聚集在城里唯一一家还在营业的酒吧里。有些想晒太阳的,便动身去了里斯本,而我们其余的人决定去体验一下比亚里茨的海风。It is harmful to overexpose your skin to the sun's rays.让皮肤过久地暴露在阳光下是有害的。We were completely shaded from the sun by the trees.这些树为我们严严实实地遮住了阳光。The warmth of the sun was making them all sleepy.太阳的温暖令他们都想睡觉。The white sand reflected the sun's heat.白晃晃的沙地反射出太阳的热气。The bright sun glorifies the sky.灿烂的阳光使天空显得更加艳丽。The sun blazed down from an incandescent sky.晴空中骄阳高照。The sun's rays could not wedge their way through the barrage of foliage.阳光透不过树叶的屏障。It will be so great watching the sun come up.看着太阳冉冉升起将是十分美妙的事情。We are a people whose nature the sun has not mellowed, a dour people like all northerners.我们这个民族和所有北方民族一样,是个顽强不屈的民族,连太阳也不能将我们的心柔化。I like to sunbathe in the morning when the sun is not so hot.我喜欢在阳光不是那么强烈的早上晒太阳。He lost the fly ball in the sun. 阳光晃得他没看到那个高飞球。The sun soon dispelled the mist.太阳不久就驱散了薄雾。The sun had dried up the roads an hour after it stopped raining.雨停后一小时,太阳就把路面晒干了。The sun was blazing down from a clear blue sky.蓝天清澈,阳光灿烂。Outside, the sun beat down on the red baked earth of Provence.外面,烈日烤晒着普罗旺斯干焦的红土。It hurts the eyes to expose them to the sun.对着太阳看会刺痛眼睛。Her husband dreams about lolling about on the deck and taking long snoozes in the afternoon sun.她丈夫梦想着自己懒洋洋地躺在甲板上,在午后的阳光下打长盹。The bones of oxen were bleaching in the sun beside the trail.小路旁边,一堆牛骨在阳光的炙烤下正慢慢失去颜色。A giant multicoloured flag waved in the midday sun.在中午的阳光下,一面巨大的彩旗迎风招展。The egg began to decompose after a day in the sun.太阳晒了一天后,蛋开始腐败。The sun was now high in the southern sky.太阳正高挂在南边的天空上。The sun will shake the whole city into light and warmth.阳光将使整个城市一下子沉浸在光明和温暖之中。If you do become sensitive to the sun, cover up and don't expose skin further.如果你确实对阳光敏感,就要遮盖一下,不要再晒太阳。The earth neighbours near to the sun.地球与太阳相近。The sun reflected dully off the stone walls.石墙上反射出朦胧的日光。It takes a year for the earth to make a circuit of the sun.地球绕太阳一周要一年时间。The sun set and twilight fell.太阳落山,暮色降临。The crops wilted under the hot sun.庄稼在烈日下枯萎了。The sun shone through a break in the clouds.太阳光透过云层的缝隙照射下来。The sun went behind a cloud.太阳跑到云后面去了。Clouds were darkening, obliterating the sun.黑云低垂,遮住了太阳。




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