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He was starting to think he was infallible, so the criticism from his boss served as a reality check.他正要开始认为自己绝对不会犯错时,老板的批评让他幡然醒悟。We place our trust in doctors, but they are fallible like everyone else.我们信任医生,但即使是他们也会犯错。Mistakes are a necessary part of actualizing your vision.要使构想成为现实,犯错是不可避免的。Children will run wild if responsible adults do not correct them.如果该负责的大人不管教犯错的孩子,孩子就会变成脱缰的野马。It was made quite clear to me that if I stepped out of line again I'd be out of a job.他们和我讲得很清楚,我如果再犯错就会丢饭碗了。I'd always played a defensive game, waiting for my opponent to make a mistake.我总是采取防守型打法,等待对手犯错。He was roundly condemned for his mistake.他因犯错而受到严厉指责。Although he was experienced, he was not infallible.他尽管经验丰富,但也有犯错的时候。In these conditions it was all too easy to make mistakes.在这些情况下极容易犯错。Some drivers admit they goofed. Others blame anyone except themselves.有些驾车者会承认自己犯错,另一些人则全然责怪别The president has made a series of political blunders.总统在政治上连续犯错。We all make mistakes.我们每个人都会犯错。The examiner will try to catch you out, so stay calm and think carefully before you speak.考官会诱导你犯错,所以你要沉着冷静,三思而后言。Even the experts are not infallible.即便是专家也会犯错。I am beginning to detect a recursive pattern in the mistakes he made.我开始在他的不断犯错中找到一个自我重复的模式。You're always ready enough to blame someone else for your mistakes.你总是喜欢在自己犯错时去谴责别人。This is where a lot of parents go wrong.这正是很多父母犯错的地方。You can't blame them for their mistakes; they are just babes in the wood in business matters.你不能责怪他们犯错,在生意场上他们还很幼稚。To err is human, and nobody likes a perfect person.是人都会犯错,而且谁也不喜欢完人。If you make a threat be sure to carry it out if he errs again.如果你作出威胁,在他再犯错时,一定要说到做到。I am willing to admit that I do make mistakes.我愿意承认我确实会犯错。Careful people can still make mistakes.细心的人依然会犯错。He is living/laboring under the delusion that he is incapable of making mistakes.他一直生活/工作在自己不会犯错的荒谬想法中。It's inevitable that doctors will make the occasional mistake.医生偶尔犯错是不可避免的。The mistake was put down to his inexperience.这次犯错是由于他缺乏经验。It's not worth getting worked up about. Anyone can make a mistake.这不值得生气,人人都会犯错的。Shakespeare presents the hero as a noble man doomed to make mistakes.莎士比亚把主人公表现成一位高尚却注定要犯错的人。The tests are designed to trip you up.这些考试有意要迷惑你,使你犯错。We all make mistakes sometimes.我们都难免犯错。He allowed that even world leaders could make mistakes.他承认即使是世界领导人也会犯错。There's no margin for error – we have to win.绝对不能犯错,我们必须得赢。Let's put the mistake down to your inexperience and forget about it.这次犯错就算你没经验,别再想了。Children will learn to behave correctly if their mistakes are punished.如果孩子们犯错后受到惩罚,那么他们就能学会守规矩。Errors may have been made due to human fallibility.人难免犯错,错误可能是由此而生的。 |