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词汇 状态中
例句 The whole country is in a state of paralysis.全国都处于瘫痪状态中She had hardly recovered from the birth of her last baby.她还未从上一次生孩子的状态中恢复过来。China has long awakened from her age-old isolation.中国早已从长期与世隔绝的状态中觉醒过来。I think I'm still in a state of shock.我觉得我仍然未从震惊状态中缓过神来。His life was on a razor edge for days.好几天功夫他的生命都处在垂危状态中You cannot remain forever cocooned from the outside world.你不能永远生活在与外界隔绝的状态中Some animals, such as hedgehogs, exist in a state of suspended animation during the winter.有些动物,如刺猬,冬天生活在假死的状态中He was in a state of religiose contrition.他处于宗教悔悟状态中He may have killed himself in depression.他可能是在抑郁的状态中自杀的。For a long time I lay in a warm, sleepy haze.我在一种暖洋洋的昏昏欲睡的状态中躺了好久。We seem to live in a state of free-floating anxiety that can attach itself to anything.我们好像生活在游动性焦虑状态中,任何事情都能引起我们的焦虑。The news aroused him from his torpor.这消息把他从萎靡状态中唤醒。She tried to rouse him from the torpor into which he had sunk.她试图把他从迷迷糊糊的状态中唤醒。He was in a mood of stuporous silence.他处于一种一言不发茫然若失的状态中He lived in a state of self-imposed isolation.他生活在自我孤立的状态中




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