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To summarize, we believe the company cannot continue in its present form.总而言之,我们认为公司不能再以目前的方式继续经营下去。I'll just summarize the main points of the argument in a few words.我会用几句话把争论的要点概括一下。The report was detailed and thorough; it didn't just summarize.这篇报告内容详细透彻,不仅仅是一个概述。As the class drew to a close, Hanson asked a student to summarize the lesson.快下课前,汉森请一名学生把这一课的内容概述一下。To summarize, this is a clever approach to a common problem.概括来说,这是一个解决常见问题的巧妙办法。I think it would be helpful to summarize what we agreed at the last meeting.我觉得把上次会议商定的事作一总结是有帮助的。To summarize, in most cases the schools were achieving the standards set.总的说来,在大多数情况下这些学校都达到了所定的标准。Your final paragraph should summarize the main points of your essay.最后一个段落应该总结一下你这篇论文的要点。I would like to take a moment to summarize the facts that I presented earlier.我想用点时间概括我前面陈述的事实。The author examines each aspect of Roman society, then attempts to summarize the complex whole.作者研究了罗马社会的各个方面,然后尝试对这个复杂的整体作出总结。Make sure to summarize your points in your concluding paragraph.确保在结尾段落总结一下你的观点。The authors summarize their views in the introduction.作者在序言里概述了他们的观点。Please briefly describe/summarize your experience.请简要描述/概括一下你的经历。I'll now summarize the key findings from these studies.我现在要总结一下这些研究取得的关键性发现。I think we should stop here and summarize what we've said so far.我觉得我们应该在这儿停住,把已说过的总结一下。 |