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词汇 sink in
例句 Wood does not sink in water.木头在水中不会沉没。Bob sat down and read the letter again slowly. Then and only then did it begin to sink in that Stella was really dead.鲍勃坐下来又慢慢地读那封信。这时,也只有这时,他才开始明白斯特拉真的已经去世了。It took a week for it to sink in that his mother had died.大约过了一个星期,他才会意过来他母亲已经死了。The implications of Labour's defeat were beginning to sink in.人们开始意识到工党败选所带来的影响。If the ink sinks in, it'll be hard to remove the spot from the cloth.如果墨水渗入布料,就很难把污迹洗去。It took a moment or two for her words to sink in.她的话过了一会儿才被理解。He paused to let this news sink in.他停下来想弄清楚这个消息是什么意思。Let the ointment sink in.让药膏渗进去。You can install a new sink in the kitchen.你可以在厨房里装一个新洗碗槽。You'd better wipe up that coffee you spilled on the carpet before it sinks in.趁洒在地毯上的咖啡没有渗进去之前,你最好把它擦干净。The news of the President's assassination had only just begun to sink in.人们对总统被刺的消息刚刚才开始会意过来。It took time for the full enormity of the attack to sink in.需要一定的时间人们才能充分认识到这场袭击的严重恶果。He paused a moment for his words to sink in.他停顿了片刻,好让人充分理解他的话。I heard what she said,but it did not sink in till some time later.她说的话我听见了,但是过了一段时间后我才慢慢理解。The implication took a while to sink in.其中的含意要花点时间才能完全领会。Water overflowed the sink in the kitchen.水从厨房里的水槽中溢了出来。Anything anybody said to him to try and buck him up wouldn't sink in.任何人对他说的任何劝他振作起来的话都不会起作用。Your admonition didn't quite sink in. You may have to talk to him again.你的告诫他没有听进去,你恐怕得再跟他谈谈。The price of eggs sinks in summer.蛋价在夏季下跌。




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