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词汇 sinking
例句 She got that sinking feeling as she viewed the storm damage.看到暴风雨造成的损害,她心情沉重。The Japanese navy scored a success only two days after the start of hostilities, by sinking two British battleships.战争开始才两天,日本海军就击沉两艘英国战舰,打了个胜仗。The currency's value is sinking.货币正在贬值。The two men were winched out of the sinking boat by an RAF helicopter.那两名男子被皇家空军的直升机从正在下沉的小船里吊出来。The captain refused to leave his sinking ship.船长拒绝离开正在下沉的船。She had a horrible sinking feeling in her stomach.她心头一沉,有种不祥的预感。Help! I'm sinking.救命啊!我要沉下去了!The life boat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.救生船被派出去救沉船的水手。They bailed water out of the sinking boat.他们从正在下沉的船里把水舀出。I had a sinking feeling when I picked up the bill.接到账单时,我有种不祥的预感。The old king was sinking fast, and drinking faster.老国王的身体急剧恶化,酗酒更凶了。The president's poll numbers are sinking fast in the West.在西方,总统的民调数字正在快速下降。If they carry on sinking boreholes then the land is likely to subside.如果他们继续钻洞,地表很有可能下沉。By the time we reached the opposite bank, the boat was sinking fast.当我们到达对岸时,船正在快速下沉。With a sinking heart , she signed the papers to sell the house.她怀着沉重的心情签署了售房文件。The moon, hazed by mist, was sinking.被云雾遮掩的月儿渐渐下沉。He swam away from the sinking ship.他从正在下沉的船边游开。He'd seen the accounts, realized he was on a sinking ship, and decided to get off.他看到了账本,意识到自己正处于一条正在沉没的船上,因此决定离开。The country seems to be sinking into a morass of corruption.这个国家似乎正在陷入腐败的泥潭。The economy is sinking deeper into the mire. 经济在困境中越陷越深。The lake's water level is slowly sinking.湖的水位正慢慢下降。The sun was already sinking low when they reached the road.当他们到达这条路的时候,太阳已经要没入地平线了。I began to have a sinking feeling that I was not going to get rid of her.我开始有一种永远也摆脱不了她的沮丧情绪。The dog leapt at him, sinking its teeth into his arm.那条狗向他猛扑过去,在他臂上狠狠地咬了一口。The sun was sinking lower.太阳渐渐落下。The old man is sinking fast and won't live much longer.老人的健康急速衰退,活不长久了。Far off to the west the sun was sinking.远处太阳正在西沉。The oil workers are sinking a well.石油工人正在打油井。The airline industry is sinking under the weight of its losses.因亏损拖累,航空业正走向衰退。He suddenly had a terrible sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.他的心里突然有一种不安的感觉。She felt a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach.她的内心深处有一种不祥之感。The sinking ship sent out a distress call.下沉的船只发出遇险信号。The company is sinking under the weight of heavy debt. 这家公司快被沉重的债务压垮了。His strength is slowly sinking.他的力气正慢慢减弱。She listened to the news with a sinking feeling in her stomach.她心情沉重地听着新闻。The lifeboat crashed against the side of the sinking ship.救生船撞上了那艘正在下沉的船的侧身。The sinking of the tanker has made aspects of marine pollution particularly topical.油轮的沉没使得海洋污染的方方面面都成为眼下大家尤为关注的热点话题。It was hard for him to be aware of her; he kept sinking back into black preoccupation.他很难意识到她的存在;他一直沉浸在沮丧中。Mrs Jones is sinking fast, and the doctor doesn't think she'll live much longer.琼斯太太的病情迅速恶化,医生认为她活不了多久了。The foundations will have to be reinforced to prevent the house from sinking further into the ground.地基必须进行加固以防房屋继续下陷。




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