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词汇 sinister
例句 There was something sinister about Mr Scott's death.斯科特先生的死有点蹊跷。I found his silence faintly sinister.他默不作声,令我感到有些不妙。The man was dressed in a black suit and wore dark glasses. There was something sinister about him.那个男子穿着黑衣,戴着墨镜,给人一种阴险的感觉。The house that had looked so sinister at night seemed much less frightening in the cold light of day.这栋夜里看起来阴森凶险的房子在白天似乎并不那么可怕。It was a sinister and frightening place.这是个不祥的恐怖之地。He had a sinister influence on her.他对她有一种邪恶的影响。A sinister inhuman scream rang out across the moors.沼泽地里突然响起不像是人的不祥的尖叫声。There's a sinister feeling about this old abandoned house.这所废弃的老房子给人一种不祥的感觉。He was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.他是个英俊男子,透着点儿邪气。There is nothing sinister or conspiratorial about the export licensing system.这种出口许可制度没有任何阴险或者见不得人的东西。There was something sinister about him.他身上有某种邪恶的东西。Her dark eyes and evil laugh made her seem sinister.她乌黑的眼睛和狞笑使她看上去很阴险。He looked sinister.他看起来很邪恶。Events began to take on a more sinister aspect.事情开始变得更加凶险。The more sinister explanation is that he is about to make mischief in the Middle East again.更为险恶的解释是,他准备再次在中东地区制造事端。I thought her speech had slightly sinister undertones.我认为她的话里有点儿不祥的意味。The storm outside gave the room a sinister aspect.外面的暴风雨使房间里变得阴森可怕。I suspected that he had some sinister designs.我怀疑他图谋不轨。She had imagined him to be a sinister and more oily individual.她曾把他设想成一个阴险邪恶、而且还要油滑些的人。There was something sinister about him that she found disturbing.他给人一种危险的感觉,这让她内心不安。Their comedy is frequently mixed with the pathetic or the sinister.他们的喜剧作品常常掺有感伤或不吉的成分。A sinister-looking man sat in the corner of the room.一个神情阴险的男子坐在房间的角落里。There is a sinister side to these events.这些事件有邪恶的一面。The ruined house had a sinister appearance.那座倒塌的房子外观给人一种不祥之感。A sinister expression appeared on his face when I called him a liar.当我称他为骗子时,他的脸上出现了一个凶恶的表情。Dave sensed that something more sinister lay beneath the woman's cheerful exterior.戴夫感觉到,在那个女人开朗的外表下隐藏着一颗邪恶的心。One speaker today called the plan diabolical and sinister.今天一名发言人称该计划阴险恶毒。A tense atmosphere is easy to create on stage with some sinister music and creepy sound effects.用恐怖的音乐和令人毛骨悚然的声效就能营造出舞台上的紧张气氛。His eyes narrowed and took on a sinister cast.他眯起眼睛,露出一种阴险的表情。They were a somewhat sinister pair.他们两个有点阴险。




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