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词汇 be off
例句 The British establishment seems to be off on another quest for fool's gold.这家英国机构似乎开始了又一次徒劳无功的探索。Well, I'd better be off. Good day to you.哦,我得走了,再见。I must be off if I want to make the next bus.要想赶上下一班公共汽车,我必须马上走。He seems to be off his game.他看上去比赛状态不佳。Your criticisms appear to be off the mark.你的批评似乎并未切中要害。I must be off in my calculations.我准是算错了。One more question and I'm done. After that I'll be off your neck.再问一个问题我就结束,以后就不再缠着你了。She's well enough to be off the medicine now.她现在身体很好,不必吃药了。You must be off your head if you think that.如果你那样想肯定是疯了。I aim to be off the lake before dawn, so let's get moving.我计划黎明前从湖畔出发,大家马上行动起来吧。Needless to say, he'll be off work for a while.当然,他会暂停工作一段时间。You must be off your rocker if you think I'm going to do that!如果你认为我准备那样做,你一定是疯了!I've been trying to call her for about half an hour. I think her phone must be off the hook.我一直试着给她打了大约半小时的电话,肯定是她电话没有挂好。In a few weeks’ time I'll be off to university.几个星期以后,我就要去上大学了。I'll be off all next week, so I can do some of the yard work then.我下个星期都休息,所以到时候可以干点院子里的活。I think we'd better be off now - it'll take at least an hour to get to the airport.我觉得最好现在就出发—到机场至少要一个小时。It's not like you to be off your food.胃口不好可不像你的作风。What's wrong with Billy? He seems to be off his food.比利怎么啦?他好像不想吃东西。The British establishment seems to be off on another quest for fool's gold.这家英国机构似乎又开始了新一轮异想天开的赚钱大计。It's late,I must be off.天色很晚,我必须走了。They gave us a heads-up that the deal might be off.他们警告我们交易可能会取消。You must be off your head going out in this weather!这种天气出去你真是发疯了!He tried to be off with the old relationship with Mary.他企图结束与玛丽的旧关系。




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