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词汇 be observed
例句 When attending a wedding, there are certain proprieties that must be observed.参加婚礼时,有些礼节必须遵守。The patient must be observed constantly.这个病人必须密切观察。The microscope capacitates small objects to be observed.显微镜可以观察到微小的物体。These behaviours can be observed among many children who have lost a parent or other loved one.这类行为可能出现在失去了父母或亲人的儿童身上。Observers stressed the necessity for the ceasefire to be observed.观察员强调必须遵守停火协议。A minute's silence for the victims will be observed.将为遇难者默哀一分钟。Conroy made some muddled statement about how company policy has to be observed in these situations.康罗伊含含糊糊地说了些在这些情况下必须如何遵守公司方针的话。Similar trends may be observed in most modern societies.在大多数现代社会里都可以看到类似的趋势。The euphoriant actions can be observed directly only in man.只有在人的身上才能直接观察到兴奋的反应。In diplomacy the niceties of etiquette must be observed.在外交方面必须要遵守礼仪细节。The patient should be observed for signs of an allergic reaction.应注意观察患者是否出现过敏反应的迹象。




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