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词汇 streaked
例句 Tears streaked her face.她的脸上布满泪痕。The child's face was grimy and streaked with tears.那个孩子脸上满是污垢,还挂着道道泪痕。I could not bear to look at her tear-streaked face.我不忍看她那布满泪痕的脸。Two aircraft streaked across the sky.两架飞机在空中一闪而过。The marble was streaked with green and grey.大理石上夹杂着绿色和灰色条纹。Her hair is streaked with gray.她头发中夹杂着缕缕灰发。Flames streaked across the basement floor.火焰猛地蹿过地下室层面。His face was pale and streaked with dirt.他脸色苍白,脸上有一道道的污痕。A white cat streaked out into the middle of the road.一只白猫蹿到了路中央。The beautiful face was streaked with sweat and tears.那张漂亮的脸蛋上留着汗迹和泪痕。A meteorite streaked across the sky.一颗流星划过天空。Fine shades of grey streaked his dark hair.他的黑发间有几丝白发。His beard is streaked with white.他的胡须有些灰白了。Her face was streaked with tears.她的脸上布满泪痕。The sky was streaked with gold.天空中点缀着一缕缕金色。A shooting star streaked across the sky.一颗流星划过天空。His hands and arms were streaked with paint.他的手和胳膊上全是一道道的漆印。Doesn't Chris look good with her hair streaked?克里斯的头发挑染后看起来不错吧?The cat streaked across the street.那只猫飞奔过街。They were streaked with alternate bands of colour.它们都带有各种色彩相间的条纹。His hand was streaked with blood.他的手上有血痕。The car streaked down the highway.汽车在公路上疾驶而去。Her bare feet were dirt-streaked and cracked with cold.她赤裸的双脚上满是一道道的泥污,都冻得开裂了。Tears streaked her face.泪水弄花了她的脸。Two jets streaked across the sky.两架喷气式飞机在空中一闪而过。A skateboarder streaked past us.一个玩滑板的人从我们身边飞速滑过。His left hand was streaked with blood.他的左手上有血痕。




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