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She was a vocal disability activist.她是一名大胆敢言的残疾人权益活动家。The activist died under suspicious circumstances while he was in police custody.该名活跃分子被警察拘留期间死亡,死因可疑。A nucleus of activist students led the demonstrations.一个学生积极分子的核心团体领导了这些示威活动。Prezza, as the cheeky young pups call him, had been a ship's steward and union activist.那些目中无人、粗鲁无礼的小青年口中的普雷扎一直在轮船当乘务员,还是工会积极分子。He's been a trade union/party activist for many years.多年来他一直是工会/党的积极分子。A peace activist had set herself on fire in protest over the government's involvement in the war.一反战女子点火自焚,以抗议政府参战。Local activist groups have become increasingly vociferous as the volume of traffic passing through the village has increased.随着途经村子的车辆不断增加,当地激进主义团体的抱怨声也越来越大。She has a reputation as a liberal, activist judge.作为一名法官,她以思想开明、表现积极而著称。She was a stirring speaker and activist and soon became the poster child of the antiwar movement.她是个能鼓舞人心的演说家和活动家,很快就成了反战运动的代言人The activist have purge the party of moderates or have purge the moderates from the party.激进分子清洗了党内的温和派分子。 |