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词汇 come loose
例句 If any of the boards come loose, just hammer them back in place.如果哪块板子松了,用锤子锤回原位就行了。Some of the pages have come loose.有几张书页松脱了。The pebbledash on the house was starting to come loose and flake off in small patches.房子的灰泥小石子外墙开始松动了,有几处小块地方掉了下来。The bindings have started to come loose.镶边已经开始松了。One of the tent stays has come loose.帐篷的一根牵索松脱了。The top of the tap has come loose.水龙头的上端松了。Two wooden beams had come loose from the ceiling.房顶上有两根木梁已经松动。One of the plates on the side of the machine had come loose.机器一边的一个金属片松了。




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