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词汇 come off
例句 The few excursions into stylistic experiment do not entirely come off.几次风格上的尝试都不十分成功。If this deal comes off as planned we'll be laughing.如果这次交易能按计划获得成功,那我们就心满意足了。As far as pensions go, it's still women who come off worst.说到养老金,仍然是妇女得益最少。The doctor told me I could come off the drugs six months after the operation.医生告诉我,动完手术六个月以后,我可以不用服药了。People need help to come off hard drugs like heroin and cocaine.人们要依靠帮助来戒除海洛因和可卡因这一类硬毒品。The few excursions into stylistic experiment do not entirely come off.几次体裁上的尝试都不算很成功。I would have come off the seat if I hadn't braced my feet against the dashboard.若不是把双脚死死抵着马车的挡泥板,我准会从座位上给摔出去。Give it another screw to make sure the lid doesn't come off while we're travelling.把盖子再拧紧一圈,确保我们在路上时盖子不会掉落。It wasn't until I tried to come off the pills that I realized I was addicted.直到我想停止服药时才发觉自己上瘾了。The label had come off, so there was no way of knowing what was on the disk.标签已脱落,所以无法知道磁盘上是什么内容。A wheel had come off a car, and rolled to the side of the road.一个轮子从汽车上脱落,滚到路边。The head's come off the hammer.锤子的头脱落了。Her doctor has advised her to come off the Pill.医生建议她停用口服避孕药。The players have just come off the pitch.选手们刚从球场下来。Oh come off it! You can't seriously be saying you knew nothing about this.得了吧!你总不至于说你对此一无所知吧。He usually comes off duty at 5 p.m.他通常下午五点下班。He has just come off a difficult assignment.他刚刚结束了一项艰巨任务。We had hoped to organize a trip to the theatre tonight, but it didn't come off.我们本来想今天晚上组织去看戏,可未能如愿。One of my buttons has come off.我的一粒纽扣掉了。The injury-prone ball player had come off his only good season in five.这名球员动辄受伤,在五个赛季唯一一次安然无恙之后又受伤了。Most food stains will come off if you sponge the material with a little detergent.用一点去污剂能去除布料上的大部分食物污渍。Did everything come off all right?一切都进行得顺利吗?Many had come off the dole and set up their own small businesses.许多人不再靠领取失业救济金生活,自己做起了小生意。The lid won't come off accidentally, it's been fastened on.这个盖子不会随便脱落,它已经被牢牢地固定住了。Will that stain come off your tie?你领带上的污迹擦得掉吗? These tomato stains won't come off.这些西红柿渍无法清除掉。Can you fix the door? The handle's come off.你能把门修一下吗?把手掉了。Shaun had come off heroin.肖恩已经戒除了海洛因。One of the wheels has come off the car. Now we're jiggered.车轮掉了一只,这下我们动不了啦。The parcel had only been loosely wrapped, and the paper had come off.包裹没有包严实,上面的包装纸已经脱落了。She'd come off her new bike and hurt her knee.她从新买的自行车上掉下来,把膝盖弄伤了。He's come off the tablets because they were making him dizzy.因为那些药片让他昏昏欲睡,他停用了。If this deal comes off, we'll be quids in.如果这笔交易谈成,我们会赚一大笔。The lid had come off.盖子已经打开了。A button has come off your coat.你上衣掉了一粒钮扣。The party didn't quite come off as we had hoped.晚会不如我们所希望的那么成功。There was some sort of property deal that didn't come off.有笔房地产交易没有做成。He's really just shy, but he comes off as a little arrogant. 他其实只是害羞,但看起来像是有点傲慢。He's going to have money coming out of his ears if this deal comes off.如果这笔交易能做成,他就要发大财了。Their attempt to shoot the king did not come off.他们谋刺国王未遂。




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