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词汇 stereotypes
例句 The film's main characters counter the familiar racial stereotypes.电影中的主要角色反对人们熟悉的种族陈规。Adverts perpetuate the worst stereotypes about women.广告让对女性最糟糕的模式化看法持续存在。The book repudiates the racist stereotypes about black women.书中驳斥了种族主义者眼中的黑人妇女形象。Some critics say that the movie reinforces negative stereotypes about the military.一些评论家指出这部影片加深了人们对军人的偏见。Was it really necessary to trot out the same old stereotypes about Ireland?真的有必要反复提关于爱尔兰的那套老看法吗?The characters in the book are just stereotypes.书中的人物毫无新意。The film is full of stereotypes: a stupid blonde, a fat American tourist, and a gay man with huge muscles.这部影片里充满了模式化的形象:一个蠢笨的金发女郎、一个肥胖的美国游客和一个肌肉发达的男同性恋者。Jokes perpetuate various national stereotypes.笑话固化了对各民族的公式化看法。Not all areas of the country fit the stereotypes.并非这个国家的所有地区都符合这一刻板模式。Some blame the media for propagating negative stereotypes.有些人指责媒体宣传负面的模式化思想。Fear and stereotypes have kept women back for centuries.许多世纪以来,恐惧和陈规束缚了女性。The novel seems aimless, and the characters are stereotypes.这部小说不知所云,人物呆板。The study claims that British advertising stereotypes women.这项研究声称英国的广告对女性抱有成见。Managers may value different qualities in men than in women, reinforcing gender stereotypes.管理者可能会在男性和女性身上看重不同的才干,这就进一步强化了性别成见。




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