例句 |
His tooth had started to throb painfully again.他的牙又开始抽痛了。George's ankle began to throb with pain.乔治的脚踝一阵阵地疼了起来。The drums seem to throb in my ears.冬冬鼓声似乎在我耳边震响。The bullet graze was beginning to throb savagely.子弹擦伤处开始猛烈地抽痛。The drums seemed to throb in his ears.鼓似乎在他耳中咚咚地响。Presently George's ankle began to throb with pain.不一会儿,乔治的脚踝就开始一阵阵地疼。The drums seemed to throb in his ears.阵阵鼓声仿佛在他耳边震响。A dull pain began to throb behind his lids.他的眼皮后面开始隐隐作痛地抽动。 |