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词汇 to throw
例句 The horse tried to throw her off but she managed to keep her balance.那匹马想把她甩下来,但她努力保持住了平衡。He tried to throw police off the track of his lover.他努力让警方无法跟踪他的情人。I think it's time to throw in the towel.我认为现在是认输的时候了。I had to throw away the uneaten food.我只能把没吃的食物扔掉。The way to solve the education crisis is not necessarily to throw money at it.解决教育危机不一定要花大钱。Any small interruption is likely to throw me off in my calculations.一点小小的干扰都有可能使我在计算上出错。I'll have to throw out some clothes - the closet can't take any more.我得扔掉一些衣服—衣橱里再也装不下了。Sophie stooped to throw another branch on the pile.索菲弯腰往柴火堆上又扔了一根树枝。This meat is rather high - I'm going to throw it out.这块肉已经变质了——我去扔掉。A bad result is sure to throw a spanner in the works.糟糕的成绩肯定会坏事的。We don't have the finances to throw a big party.我们没钱举办大型派对。He couldn't seem to win, but he wasn't ready to throw in the towel.他似乎赢不了,但是并不准备认输。Exceptional patients have the ability to throw statistics aside to say, 'I can be a survivor'.尽管统计数字凿凿,仍有个别病人能够做到将它抛在一边,相信自己可以活下来。His father threatened to throw him out, but he knew it was an empty threat.他父亲威胁要把他赶出去,但他知道那只不过是吓吓他罢了。A part of me wanted to throw myself on her mercy and beg her to understand.我有点想听凭她发落并祈求她的理解。It's important not just to throw reason out the window.不要只是抛弃理性,这是很重要的。Take care! Fish is able to throw the hook.当心!鱼能脱钩。He threatened to throw her in the river if she screamed.他威胁她敢叫就把她扔到河里。The quarterback was tackled just as he cocked his arm to throw the ball.四分卫正要屈臂投球的时候被擒抱摔倒了。Red and yellow help to throw up the other colours in the design.红色和黄色能衬托出图案中其他颜色。He egged her on to throw a stone through the window.他怂恿她扔一块石头打破窗户。He's going to throw himself on the mercy of the court.他准备听凭法庭发落。The court's decision suggests that it is OK to throw pregnant women in jail just because they are addicted.法院判决意味着仅仅因为其有毒瘾就把孕妇投入监狱没错。He tried to convince her not to go, but in the end he had to throw up his hands in despair.他努力说服她不要离开,但最后,他只好绝望地放弃努力。The person selling the house may offer to throw in the carpets and curtains as part of the deal.售房者可能会赠送地毯和窗帘作为交易的一部分。Any small interruption is likely to throw off my calculations.一点点的打扰就会使我计算出错。I was going to throw all these things away anyway, so please take anything you like.反正这些东西我都要扔掉,你随便拿什么都行。The quarterback was blindsided just as he was about to throw a pass.四分卫正准备传球时受到意外攻击。She felt a longing to throw herself into his arms.她渴望扑到他怀里去。The older girls used to throw stones at me.那些大一点的女孩以前常常朝我扔石子。They seem to be prepared to throw billions at all sorts of wild-eyed schemes.他们似乎准备好了要为各种不切实际的计划烧掉几十个亿。We decided to split up to throw them off the scent.我们决定分开来走,把他们甩掉。I don't think they have the right to throw your entry out.我认为他们无权拒绝你参赛。It had snowed during the night, and the kids rushed outside to throw snowballs and make snow angels.晚上下了雪,孩子们纷纷跑出去打雪仗、做雪天使。He likes to throw in references to his days in the army.他喜欢说题外话,说起他在部队里的日子。I'm not advising you to throw away your makeup or forget about your appearance.我不是建议你扔掉化妆品,或者不修边幅。Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.想起这我就想吐。Can someone finish up these strawberries so I don't have to throw them away?有没有人能把这些草莓吃掉省得我扔掉?Run fast to throw the police off!快跑,把警察甩掉! The crowd started to throw rocks.人群开始扔石头。




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