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词汇 steered
例句 She steered her guests into the dining room.她把客人们领到餐厅。She steered clear of being associated with such people.她避免与这种人交往。I seized her arm and steered her through the herd of revellers in the hallway.我抓住她的胳膊,拉着她穿过在走廊上纵酒狂欢的人群。She carefully steered the car around the potholes.她小心地驾驶汽车绕过那些坑洞。He carefully steered away from such topics.他小心地避开了这些话题。He steered his side to victory.他率领球队取得了胜利。She steered the ship through the strait.她驾船驶过海峡。He steered his boat into the harbor.他将船驶进港内。I steered it into the bottom corner of the net with my left foot.我用左脚把那东西搞到网罩的底角去了。In its career across the sky, the sun is steered by the sun goddess.太阳在空中行进的过程中受到太阳女神的指引。We steered a course to leeward.我们向下风航驶。He steered the company through the initial stages of privatization.他引导公司度过了私有化的最初阶段。He steered the team to another championship last year.去年,他带队又一次获得冠军。Joel steered Don and Louise towards the backyard.乔尔领着唐和路易丝向后院走去。The mariner put the wheel over and steered N.E.海员转动舵轮向东北方向驶去。We steered our course for the railway station.我们朝着火车站而去。Nick steered them into the nearest seats.尼克将他们领到最近的座位上。The freighter steered out of Santiago Bay that evening.货轮那天晚上驶出了圣地亚哥湾。He steered the car through the broad entrance.他驾驶汽车通过了宽阔的入口。McKinney steered the company through the recession.麦金尼带领公司度过经济衰退的艰难岁月。The freighter steered out of the port that evening.货轮那晚驶出了港口。In nearly all these issues the British steered a middle course.英国人几乎在所有这些问题上都选择了中间路线。The country steered a middle course.那个国家走了一条中间道路。He steered me to a table and sat me down in a chair.他把我领到桌旁,让我坐在椅子上。Her speech steered clear of controversial issues.她的讲话避开了有争议的问题。With three swift turns of the wheel, he steered the boat away from the rocks.他快速地把舵轮转动了三圈,把船驶离了礁石。He steered a shot between the goalkeeper and the near post.他把球从守门员和较近的球门柱之间射入。She steered the conversation away from the unpleasant subject.她设法摆脱这一不愉快的话题。An aide steered her to the second car.一名副官把她领到第二辆汽车。She shrewdly steered a middle course between the two factions.在两派之间她精明地选择了一条中间路线。He steered the dinghy through the maze of derelicts.他驾驶着小艇在有如迷宫般的海上弃船中穿行。We steered the animal round and followed the tail of the procession.我们让坐骑掉转方向,跟在队尾。The high recent returns on stocks have steered many investors away from bonds.近期股市的高回报把许多投资者从债券市场上拉走了。He took his guest by the elbow and steered him in the direction of the bar.他挽着客人的胳膊领他朝酒吧的方向走去。With consummate skill, she steered the conversation away from any embarrassing subjects.她极巧妙地引导谈话避开了所有尴尬的话题。There is no rudder as such, so the craft can be steered only when under power.没有真正的方向舵,所以只有在动力驱动的情况下才能操控船只。He steered the wheelchair through the aisles.他推着轮椅穿过通道。His teachers steered him through his exams.老师们指导他通过了考试。Without so much as a backwards glance, he steered her towards the car.他眼睛直视前方地领她走向那辆车,瞥都没往后瞥一眼。The ship passed Land's End, in Cornwall, then steered towards southern Ireland.船绕过康沃尔的兰兹角,接着向爱尔兰南部驶去。




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