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词汇 to come
例句 If this ban was to come in it would seriously damage my business.如果开始实施这项禁令,我的生意将损失严重。The changes took a long time to come. = The changes were long in coming. 这些变化姗姗来迟。Rachel said she would be too busy to come.雷切尔说她太忙,不会来了。School is so boring. I can't wait for the holidays to come.上学很没劲,我迫不及待要放假了。It took him a long time to come to terms with the end of his marriage.他花了很长时间才接受婚姻已结束的现实。The factory is due to come on stream next year.这工厂计划明年投入生产。The governor has promised to come down hard on corrupt officials. 州长承诺要严惩贪官污吏。Now that I've got all the gear, I'm ready to come out riding with you.我现在全套装备都有了,可以和你一起去骑马了。There was no need for you to come out here on such a trifling matter.你没有必要为这么点儿小事特地到这里来。We added up all the advantages and disadvantages and tried to come to a decision.我们全盘估计了种种利弊,力图做出决定。American companies were salivating at the juicy contracts for rebuilding Kuwait that were likely to come their way.重建科威特的合同利润丰厚,对于他们有望分得的那一杯羹,美国各公司都垂涎欲滴。It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ingenious plan.设计出如此巧妙的方案需有极大的想像力。She managed to come out of the deal smelling of roses.她清清白白地摆脱了关系。After failing to come up with an adequate explanation, Jones was arrested for robbery.琼斯对这次抢劫不能作出充分的解释,于是被拘捕了。He pressed her to come with him.他强迫她跟他走。Martin's been ill, but anyhow, I think he's hoping to come with us tomorrow.马丁病了,但不管怎么样,我想他希望明天跟我们一起来。I've programmed the video to come on at ten.我已经把这台录像机设置在十点钟开机。We intended her to come with us.我们打算让她和我们一起来。I tried to get my husband to come with me, but he wouldn't give.我想让我丈夫和我一起来,可他就是不肯改变主意。The reverberations of his actions will be felt for years to come.他行为的负面影响将会延续多年。Lang was the first major pop star to come out as a lesbian.兰是第一位公开承认自己是同性恋的流行乐歌星。The president has failed to come to grips with the two most important social issues of our time.总统没能认识到我们这一时期最重要的两个社会问题。She refused to come down squarely on either side of the argument.她拒绝直接加入争论的任何一方。He asked me if I wanted to come along but I told him I wasn't interested.他问我是否愿意来,但是我告诉他我没兴趣。Don't be so absurd! Of course I want you to come.别犯傻!我当然想让你来。I found his sudden refusal to come to the wedding completely baffling.他突然拒绝出席婚礼,让我觉得极为费解。He's too old to come through a fall like that.他年纪太大,经不起那么摔一跤。Whatever the judges decide, the legal ramifications of the case will be with us for many years to come.无论法官如何决定,此案在法律上的影响将会伴随我们许多年。They challenged the Neapolitan troops to come out and do battle with them.他们向那不勒斯军队提出挑战,要求其出城与之开战。We've been trying to persuade Jack's elderly mother to come and live with us.我们一直在试图说服杰克年迈的母亲来与我们同住。We need to come at these problems from a different angle.我们需要换个角度思考这些问题。I'm hopeful that she'll manage to come.我相信她会想办法过来。They have no right to come onto my land.他们无权来我的地盘。The major portion of fresh investment is expected to come through internal accruals.预计新投资主要来自于内部的增长。We weren't able to come up with any new suggestions.我们提不出任何新建议。I kept asking her to come out for a drink but for some reason she was always busy.我常常叫她出来喝一杯,可不知怎么的她总是说忙。I'd prefer them to come next weekend rather than the one after.我情愿他们下周末来,而不是下下周末来。We'll keep battling away and hope that the goals start to come.我们将不断地斗争,希望能接近目标。She promised to come and help but has since begged off.她答应来帮忙的,但后来请求原谅不能来。I can trust you to come up with a practical solution to the problem.我相信你能想出一个针对该问题切实可行的解决办法。




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