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The houses are liable to collapse.那些房子可能会倒塌。These flimsy houses are liable to collapse in a heavy storm.这些劣质房屋极有可能在大风暴中倒塌。I should think you're about ready to collapse after all that walking.走了那么远的路,我应该想到你要累垮了。The later model has an unfortunate tendency to collapse after a few weeks' use.后一型号用不了几个星期就有易于崩溃的坏毛病。Marx taught that capitalist economies are eventually doomed to collapse.马克思宣称资本主义经济必然会走向崩溃。He warned that such measures could cause the economy to collapse.他警告说,这些措施可能会导致经济崩溃。 |