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Many hands make light work, to coin a phrase.老话说,人多易办事。He'd thought the flight would never – to coin a phrase – get off the ground.他以为这趟航班是永远也不会 — 套句老话说 — 离地起飞了。It's not, to coin a phrase, rocket science.套句老话说,这又不比登天难。The government has decided to coin more 50-penny coins.政府决定铸造更多的五十便士硬币。The nation plans to coin more money.这个国家计划铸造更多硬币。I was, to coin a phrase, gobsmacked!套用一句老话,我简直目瞪口呆!The couple lived happily ever after, to coin a phrase.还是那句老话,这对夫妇从此过上了幸福生活。 |