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词汇 stations
例句 There are coastguard stations every ten miles along the coast.沿着海岸每隔十英里就有一个海岸警卫站。Gas-fired power stations will substitute for less efficient coal-fired equipment.以煤气为燃料的发电站将会代替效率较低的燃煤装置。Local radio stations serving coastal areas often broadcast forecasts for yachtsmen.服务沿海地区的地方广播电台经常为驾驶游艇出海的人播报天气预报。It is less polluting than power stations fuelled by oil, coal and gas.比起以石油、煤和天然气为燃料的发电站来说,它的污染要小。He was accused of taking the radio station downmarket in order to compete with commercial stations.他被指责降低了电台的档次来和商业电台竞争。You can pick up a lot of stations on the car radio but the sound is usually sort of fuzzy.汽车上的收音机可以收到一大堆电台,但声音通常都会有些干扰。Fires broke out at three railway stations, halting service on two commuter lines for several hours.三个火车站发生了火灾,两条通勤线路的服务被迫中断数小时。Underground stations in London were used as bomb shelters during the Second World War.第二次世界大战期间,伦敦的地铁站被用作防空洞。Guards were to be posted around nuclear power stations.核电站周围要设置卫兵。Several TV stations are reporting that the police are close to making an arrest.几家电视台报道称警方即将实施抓捕。Sulphur dioxide is one of several pollutants that are released into the atmosphere by coal-fired power stations.二氧化硫是火力发电站排放到大气中的若干污染物之一。She aims to chart new cases of cancer in areas around nuclear power stations.她的目的是想把核电站周围地区的癌症新病例记录下来。Security was tight at the polling stations.投票站戒备森严。The cost of electricity from coal-fired stations is expected to fall.用煤作燃料的火力发电站的成本有望降低。The Government insisted that Britain's nuclear power stations are as safe as houses.政府坚称,英国的核电站非常安全。The company syndicated the show to local stations.公司把节目出售给了多家地方台。Four new power stations are currently under construction.四座新的发电站目前正在建设中。Radio stations often get crank calls.电台经常收到神秘电话。She was trying to keep count of how many stations they'd passed.她在试着记下他们经过了多少个车站。The two TV stations are linked by satellite.这两家电视台通过卫星连接。Most local radio stations are privately-owned.大多数地方电台为私人所有。Such a strategic attack, mounted by cyberterrorists, would shut down everything from power stations to air traffic control centres.由网络恐怖分子发起的这种有战略性的袭击,可能会使得从发电厂到空中交通管制中心的所有设施全部瘫痪。Power stations are seeking to reduce their use of oil.各发电站正试图减少石油消耗。The system relied on a chain of receiving and transmitting stations running north to south across the country.这个系统依赖全国从北到南的一连串接收台和发射台。Britain agreed to cut emissions of nitrogen oxide from power stations.英国同意减少发电站氧化氮的排放量。People get their information by tuning in to foreign radio stations.人们通过收听外台来获得信息。The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region.发电站烧的煤产自鲁尔地区。After the second explosion, all of London's main train and subway stations were shut down.第二次爆炸后,伦敦所有的主要火车站和地铁站都关闭了。The central services of that broadcasting company to some extent feed off the regional stations.那家广播公司中央台播送的节目在某种程度上是由地方台提供的。Most news stations thrive on the abundance of exclusive news.大多数新闻台靠独家新闻而兴旺。This train calls at all stations to Broxbourne.这列火车开往布罗克斯本,沿途各站都停。The radio stations play her new single several times a day.每天电台多次播放她新发行的单曲。She said stations should be in the open, near housing, not overshadowed by trees or walls.她说车站应该建在住宅区附近的开阔地带,不应为树木或墙壁所遮挡。An efficient light bulb may lighten the load of power stations.节能灯泡也许能减少对发电站的供电需求。The ten-year deal is a vote of confidence in coal-fired power stations.这份为期十年的协议是对煤电站支持的表示。The railway stations created new settlements.这些火车站产生了新的定居点。It's sheer folly to build nuclear power stations in a country that has dozens of earthquakes every year.在每年会发生几十次地震的国家建造核电站简直就是愚蠢至极。The plant reprocesses spent fuel from nuclear power stations.这家工厂对从核电站回收的废燃料进行后处理。Most radio stations need less talk and more music.大多数电台需要少一些废话,多一些音乐。The network will simulcast the game on its radio and television stations.这家广播电视网络将在其各广播电台和电视台同时播出这场比赛。




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