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词汇 stars
例句 Critics give the movie three stars.评论家们将这部电影定为三星。She dated several of the big movie stars of the time.当年她曾经跟好几位电影巨星约会。This hair style was brought into vogue by Hollywood stars.这种发型是因好莱坞的明星们而时髦起来的。The hotel doesn't rate four stars.这家旅馆不够四星级。She is one of the rising stars in the political firmament.她是政界冉冉升起的新星之一。It was written in the stars that we would never meet again.我们一定不会再见面了。Nobody's interested in yesterday's pop stars.没人对过气明星感兴趣。The stars were used for navigation in the desert.在沙漠中用星星导航。Kids wanting to be stars come to Hollywood from all over America.想当明星的年轻人从美国各地来到好莱坞。Sports stars are role models for thousands of youngsters.体育明星是成千上万青少年模仿的榜样。You should thank your lucky stars that you have a friend like her.拥有她这样一位朋友,你应该感谢你的幸运之星。At our annual ceremony we had a whole constellation of movie stars and directors.在我们的年度庆典上,影星导演济济一堂。The new movie is about the celluloid stars of the past.新电影讲述了过去的电影明星们的故事。The stars will use their muscle to make the campaign a success.这些明星将利用他们的影响力使这场运动取得成功。Pop stars are often mobbed by their fans.流行音乐明星常常被成群结队的粉丝围住。I'm glad we didn't use the tent. It's so much nicer to sleep outside under the stars.我很高兴我们没有搭帐篷。在星空下睡觉美妙多了。Billions of stars twinkled in the sky.无数星星在天空闪烁。The stars are beyond number.星星数不胜数。The two stars have become crude caricatures of themselves.这两位明星已扭曲了自己的形象。The critic was so taken by the restaurant that she gave it four stars out of a possible five.这位评论家太喜欢这家餐厅了,所以五星最高分的情况下她给评了四星。The sun, moon, stars, etc. are celestial bodies.太阳、月亮、星星等都是天体。The teacher gives out gold stars for good behavior.对于表现良好的学生,老师发金色星星贴纸。These stars are too faint to been seen without a telescope.这些恒星太暗淡,不用望远镜看不到。The tennis stars' animosity was a publicity stunt, aimed at putting bums on seats.网球球星的敌意是作秀,目的是吸引观众。One day man may travel to the stars.总有一天人类会遨游星球。As the sky grew darker, the stars came out one by one.天色渐暗,星星一颗颗地出来了。The naming of stars is at the discretion of the International Astronomical Union.给星体命名是由国际天文学联合会决定的。The stars were brilliant, studding a black dome.星光灿烂,点缀着黑色的苍穹。Light from the stars can take millions of years to reach Earth.恒星发出的光可能要经过数百万年才到达地球。He mapped the stars.他绘制了星象图。They gazed up at the stars.他们盯着星星看。Based on Edith Wharton's novel, this latest film stars Gillian Anderson.这部根据伊迪丝·沃顿的小说改编的最新电影是由吉莲·安德森主演的。You can thank your lucky stars you didn't fall in the hole.你没掉到洞里去真是运气。The sky glittered with a myriad stars.天空中繁星闪烁。The show, hosted by journalist Robert Elms, features movie stars and singers.由新闻记者罗伯特·埃尔姆斯主持的这个节目专门报道电影明星和歌星的消息。She always encouraged her children to reach for the stars.她总是鼓励自己的孩子做有挑战性的事。He is one of a small galaxy of Dutch stars on German television.他是出现在德国电视节目上一小批荷兰籍明星中的一个。When she left home she had stars in her eyes.她离家时充满幻想。The sky was speckled with stars.天空中繁星点点。She was very different from the general run of American movie stars.她和一般的美国影星有很大差别。




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