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词汇 mothers
例句 Our mothers were cut from the same cloth.我们的母亲们像是从一个模子里做出来的。The researchers observed mothers and their new infants for a three-day period.研究人员对母亲和新生婴儿进行了为期三天的观察。The first myth about motherhood is that new mothers instantly fall in love with their babies.说起母性,人们首先便会想当然地认为,孩子一出世,初为人母者便会对他们产生感情。I watched the mothers looking lovingly at their babies.我看到这些当妈妈的在深情地望着自己的婴儿。Many young mothers feel tied to the home and children.许多年轻母亲觉得受到家庭和孩子的束缚。Some mothers of young children choose not to go out to work.有些孩子尚小的母亲选择不外出工作。Working mothers are no longer a rarity.职场妈妈不再罕见。A melee of staff and mothers were busy preparing youngsters to go home.工作人员和妈妈们乱成一团,正忙着让孩子准备回家。The program gives assistance to unemployed mothers and their children.这个计划向失业的母亲及其子女提供援助。For first time mothers-to-be, the importance of regular check-ups cannot be stressed enough.初次怀孕的妇女去作定期检查是非常重要的。I know it might sound like a trite remark, but mothers usually know best.我知道这听起来也许老生常谈,可还是要说母亲一般知道得最清楚。Expectant mothers sometimes have cravings for unusual foods.孕妇有时会很想吃些特别的食物。Many mothers see their son as a potential protector and provider.许多母亲将儿子看成是未来的保护人和赡养人。Expectant mothers are entitled to free healthcare.孕妇可享有免费保健服务。The expectant mothers that Amy had encountered positively glowed with pride.艾米遇到的那些准妈妈们脸上洋溢着骄傲的神采。These mothers often abandoned their children because of fear of scandal.这些母亲经常会因为害怕流言蜚语而抛弃自己的孩子。Couples who cannot have children on their own often resort to using the services of surrogate mothers.自己无法生育的夫妻常会寻找代孕妈妈。After-school childcare is an area of particular importance to many working mothers.儿童课外托管对于许多上班的妈妈来说尤为重要。Almost always divorce courts award custody to mothers.离婚法庭几乎总是将监护权判给母亲一方。It is hospital policy to screen all mothers with certain risk factors.所有孕妇都要接受某些风险因素的检查,这是医院的规定。Many daughters assume that their mothers are invulnerable.很多女儿都认为她们的母亲无比坚强。Babies of alcoholic mothers can be born with a severe degree of handicap.母亲酗酒,她们的婴儿可能一生下来就有严重的生理缺陷。Why do you stop work and hold a mothers' meeting when I go away?为什么我一走开你们就停下工作,咭咭呱呱地争个没完?Many mothers and children tumble into poverty after divorce.很多母亲和孩子在离婚后陷入贫困。Some mothers regard work as a welcome respite from the stress of looking after a home and children.有些做母亲的将工作视为令人高兴的暂息时间,能从照顾家庭和子女的压力中解脱出来。I have often talked about why we want to be mothers, but none of us can describe the urge exactly.我经常谈到我们为什么想做母亲,但没有一个人能准确地描述这种冲动。Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.母亲们不但得不到报酬,而且她们做的那些乏味艰苦的工作常常都不为人所注意。The drug was shown to cause deformity in a high proportion of babies born to mothers taking it.经证明,服用这种药物的母亲生出的孩子有很大的比率是畸形的。A lot of mothers choose to work part-time.许多母亲选择做兼职工作。She mothers all her lodgers.她给予房客们母亲般的照顾。Young mothers weave while babies doze in their laps.年轻的母亲们趁着孩子在她们膝上打盹儿的功夫织布。It is a reasonable supposition that many mothers would welcome the offer of part-time work.有理由推测许多母亲会愿意接受兼职工作。Nowadays girls seldom confide in their mothers.现在的女孩很少对母亲吐露心事。Her new-found tolerance does not extend to single mothers.她近来培养出一颗包容之心,可是对单身母亲仍然谈不上宽容。Children were taken forcibly from their mothers.孩子们被强行地从他们母亲身边夺走。Like most mothers, I always feel anxious when my children come home late.与大多数母亲一样,当孩子回家晚时我总是感到担心。There is still not widespread acceptance that fathers can care for children as well as mothers do.父亲和母亲一样能照顾好孩子的事实还是没有得到普遍接受。Shawls will be brought by injudicious mothers at precisely the most ineligible moments.考虑欠周的母亲们偏偏会在最不合宜的时刻把围巾带来。I didn't have as strong a maternal instinct as some other mothers.我不像其他一些母亲那样有那么强烈的母性本能。The evidence suggests that single fathers are more likely to work than single mothers.这一证据显示,单身父亲比单身母亲更有可能去工作。




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