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词汇 motherhood
例句 Lesbianism and motherhood are not mutually exclusive.女性的同性恋倾向和母亲身份并不是相互排斥的。I must admit that before my baby was born I was very apprehensive about motherhood.我必须承认,在孩子出生之前,我对做母亲感到非常忧虑。She is looking forward to marriage and motherhood.她期望结婚生子。Should motherhood necessarily mean sacrifice and self-denial?做母亲就一定要牺牲和忘我吗?It takes time to adjust to motherhood.适应做母亲需要时间。The first myth about motherhood is that new mothers instantly fall in love with their babies.说起母性,人们首先便会想当然地认为,孩子一出世,初为人母者便会对他们产生感情。She referred in a positive way to the "traditional womanly goals of marriage and motherhood" several times in her talk.她在讲话中数次以赞同的口吻谈到“结婚和生儿育女这些传统的女性目标”。Has motherhood changed your career outlook?当了母亲是否改变了你的职业前途?She is worried about what motherhood will do to her image as a rock star.她担心做母亲后会影响她作为摇滚歌星的形象。She saw motherhood as woman's sacred calling.她认为生儿育女是女性备受尊崇的使命。It took time to adjust myself to motherhood.我过了一段时间才习惯做母亲这个角色。It is not easy trying to combine motherhood and a job.要兼顾做母亲和工作并不是件容易的事。Sarah found that work was a delight compared to motherhood.萨拉发现,与为人母亲相比,工作是一种乐趣。She was almost inextricably wedged in a groove of gentle, understanding motherhood.她几乎陷入了一种温柔体贴的传统母亲角色而无法自拔。Her career had been sidelined for several years by motherhood.她做了母亲,已经几年不工作了。She found the duties of motherhood onerous.她发现做妈妈任务艰巨。There is a large discrepancy between the ideal image of motherhood and the reality.理想的母亲形象与现实之间有很大的差异。Women weren't expected to work in those days. The accepted pattern was marriage and motherhood.那时候女性是不该出去工作的。普遍被接受的模式就是结婚和生儿育女。I don't think any man can ever understand the difficulties of juggling motherhood and politics.我想没有一个男人能够理解既要做母亲又要从政的难处。I don't feel ready for motherhood yet.我感觉还没准备好做一个母亲。It is hard to combine motherhood with a career.既当好母亲又搞好事业是很难的。The rewards of motherhood outweigh the anguish.做母亲得到的回报大于经受的痛苦。Older mothers tend to be too idealistic about the pleasures of motherhood.较年长的母亲往往会过于理想化地看待身为人母带来的快乐。You can't put a value on motherhood.你无法用金钱来衡量做母亲的价值。




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