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词汇 stand up
例句 She pointed to me and asked me to stand up.她指着我,请我站起来。None of the other people were brave enough to stand up to him.其他人没有一个敢于站出来反对他。Carol Drinkwater is blessed with a fine bone structure that stands up better to the ravages of time.卡罗尔·德林克沃特生就一副好身板,经过岁月历练还那么硬朗。Don't slouch – stand up straight.别无精打采的,站直点儿。You can stand up for your right.你可以为你的权利据理力争。I tried to stand up but the room was spinning.我极力想站起来,但屋子就像在旋转。We must continue to stand up for human rights.我们必须继续维护人权。I wonder if he dare stand up to his boss.我不知道他是否敢于反抗他的老板。Only we ourselves could help us, no man stands up for our rights.只有我们能够拯救我们自己,没有人会为我们的权利去拼命争取的。You have to stand up for yourself.你得捍卫自己的权益。Don't let her get away with that - stand up for yourself.别让她就那样逃避了责任,你得挺身为自己辩护。This thesis does not stand up to close inspection.这个命题经不起仔细推敲。We need evidence that will stand up in court.我们需要能在法庭上站得住脚的证据。Would you stand up for a minute? I want to see how tall you are.你能站起来一会儿吗,我想看看你有多高。It took a lot of audacity to stand up and criticize the chairman.站出来批评董事长需要很大的勇气。It takes courage to stand up for your rights.挺身捍卫自己的权利需要勇气。He might be able to convince his lawyer that he's telling the truth, but his story won't stand up in court.他也许能说服律师相信他说的是实话,但是他的说法在法庭上是站不住脚的。Cliff couldn't stand up to bullying.克利夫不能勇敢反对恃强凌弱的行为。Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.要敢于维护自己的权利。Aggressive bosses are less likely to criticize workers who stand up to them.攻击性强的老板较少批评那些敢于反对他们的员工。I don't think that argument would stand up in a court of law.我认为那个论据在法庭上是站不住脚的。It terrified him to think that, in six months’ time, he would have to stand up in front of a class and teach them something.想到再过六个月就要站在一个班的学生面前给他们讲课,他就害怕极了。The dress will not stand up to the years as my velvet will.这件衣服不如我那件丝绒的经久耐穿。He was too yellow to stand up for his rights.他太怯懦,不敢维护自己的权利。Start legal proceedings against him, and the law could stand up for your rights.去上法庭,法律会维护你的权利的。It takes courage to go against the grain and stand up for what you believe in.违反常理坚持自己的信念是需要勇气的。He pointed at her as if he meant her to stand up.他手指着她,好像要让她站起来。You should stand up for your rights and insist that they pay you.你应该维护自己的权利,坚持让他们付钱给你。The memoirs stand up well to crosschecking with other records.这些传说经得起与其他记录的交叉核对。We must be ready at all times to stand up for the truth.我们必须随时准备坚持真理。 If you want to speak in the meeting you should stand up and wait till the chairman recognizes you.如果你想在会上发言,必须站起来等到主席准许才能发言。The illness left her too weak to stand up.病痛使她虚弱得站不起来。According to etiquette, you should stand up to meet a guest.按照礼节你应该站起来接待客人。He's too weak to stand up to her.他太软弱,不能跟她对抗。He was so drunk he could not stand up.他醉得都站不起来了。You'll look taller if you stand up straight.你站直了会显得高一些。Those who did have the courage to stand up and be counted were arrested and imprisoned.那些有勇气站出来表明自己立场的人都被捕入狱了。How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?这个命题经得起推敲吗?You need strength of mind to stand up for yourself.你需要有为自己站出来的勇气。Will the lorries stand up to the journey over rough roads?那些卡车能经得起旅途的颠簸吗?




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