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词汇 keep a low profile
例句 He's been in a little trouble recently so he's trying to keep a low profile.他最近有点麻烦,所以尽量不抛头露面。I'd keep a low profile until the disagreement is settled.我在分歧解决前会保持低调。The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue.政府试图在这一问题上保持低姿态。He's not the sort of politician to keep a low profile for long.他不是那种能长时间保持低姿态的政客。She decided to keep a low profile until the scandal had died down.她决定在丑闻平息之前保持低姿态。He was advised to keep a low profile in court.他被建议在法庭保持低调。




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